How hard is the master sommelier test?

The exam is considered to have the highest failure rate of any test in the world, with a pass rate of approximately 10%. Only nine candidates are reported to have ever passed the exam on a first try. Given the high failure rate each candidate has three years in which to try to pass.

Is Level 1 Somm hard?

Level 1: Introductory Course If you get 60%+ of the questions correct, you pass! A minimum of three years in the beverage industry is recommended. The actual course in CMS is a fast paced, two-day tasting and theory lecture followed by a multiple choice exam.

How many people pass the Master Sommelier test?

The first level sommelier test is offered at the end of a weekend course, and around 90% of students pass it. The next level, the Certified Sommelier, has about 66% of its applicants passing. The Advanced Sommelier exam pass rate is about 25%, and the Master Sommelier pass rate is around 5%.

How does the Court of Master Sommelier exam work?

The Certified Sommelier Examination is a one-day examination with three sections: Tasting Examination: Utilizing the Court of Master Sommeliers Deductive Tasting Method, candidates must describe and identify four wines (two white and two red) to the best of their ability. This is a written tasting that must be completed in 30 minutes.

How much does it cost for sommelier introductory course?

The Introductory Course & Examination is a prerequisite for the Certified Sommelier Examination. Candidates have three years after passing the Introductory Examination to sit the Certified Sommelier Examination or the candiates must re-take the Introductory Course & Examination at the reduced rate of $495. Pricing subject to change without notice.

When did the sommelier certification examination come out?

Certified Sommelier Examination. The Certified Sommelier Examination was created in 2006 to help prepare candidates for the rigors of the Advanced Sommelier Examination on the path leading to the Master Sommelier Diploma Examination.

What’s the pass rate on the Sommelier examination?

The Certified Sommelier Examination has a pass rate of 60% and it is lower for many who take the Certified Sommelier Examination directly after taking the Introductory Course & Examination.