How is a submandibular gland removed?

The submandibular gland is removed under a general anaesthetic, ie you are put to sleep completely. The operation involves a cut around two inches long (5cm) in the upper part of the neck just below the jaw line. Once the gland has been removed the incision is held together again with stitches.

What is submandibular gland surgery?

Submandibular gland removal is surgery to take out a saliva gland below the lower jaw. The gland may have been removed because of infection, a tumour, or a blocked saliva duct. A saliva duct is a tube that carries saliva from the gland into the mouth.

Which nerve is at risk during submandibular gland excision?

Weakness of the lower lip – a lower branch of the facial nerve is the nerve most likely to be bruised in the removal of a submandibular gland.

Where are the submandibular glands located anatomically?

The submandibular gland is in the posterior portion of the submandibular triangle, which is formed by the body of the mandible superiorly, the anterior belly of the digastric muscle medially, and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle inferiorly and laterally.

Is it safe to remove submandibular gland?

Surgical removal of the gland, particularly for the submandibular gland, is effective but can result in rare serious complications, such as damage to the nerves affecting the lower face. For this reason, many patients choose to forgo surgery in favor of conservative management.

Is the surgical removal of a gland?

A. Adenectomy is the surgical removal of a gland.

What is gland surgery?

Parathyroidectomy is surgery to remove the parathyroid glands or parathyroid tumors. The parathyroid glands are right behind your thyroid gland in your neck. These glands help your body control the calcium level in the blood.

What is the surgical procedure to remove a gland?

What is a Parotidectomy? Partoidectomy is a surgery that removes part or all of the parotid gland. Most commonly this is performed for a tumor, most of which are benign (non-cancerous), however this can be malignant (cancerous).

How long does submandibular gland surgery take?

The submandibular gland is removed under a general anaesthetic (you are asleep during the operation). The procedure will take approximately 1 hour. It involves a cut around two inches long (5cm) in the upper part of the neck just below the jaw line.

Is submandibular gland a lymph node?

The submandibular lymph nodes sit between the submandibular salivary glands, which are underneath the tongue, and the mandible, or lower jawbone. Occasionally one or more of the lymph nodes may be embedded deep within the salivary gland.

What type of doctor removes salivary glands?

Who treats salivary gland cancer? Depending on your situation, you may have different types of doctors on your treatment team: An otolaryngologist (also known as an ear, nose, and throat, or ENT doctor): a surgeon who treats certain diseases of the head and neck.