How is Redfield ratio calculated?

The Redfield Ratio is just the ratio of N to P in moles. To get moles from phosphate, divide the weight based concentration, (ppm or mg/L) by 95 (g/mole) and the nitrate concentration in the same units by 62 (g/mole). For example, take the entry at 50 mg/L nitrate and 0.01 mg/L phosphate.

Why is the Redfield ratio 16 1?

ratio should be approximately 16:1. Redfield proposed that the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in plankton resulted in the global ocean having a remarkably similar ratio of dissolved nitrate to phosphate (16:1). He considered how the cycles of not just N and P but also C and O could interact to result in this match.

What does a high Redfield ratio mean?

B. ratios substantially greater than 106:1 (on a molar basis) suggest phosphorus deficiency in planktonic algae (the Redfield ratio). Why is the C:P. ratio suggesting P deficiency different in plankton compared to benthic algae (>360: 1)?

What are N P ratios?

N/P ratio, or basically the ratio of positively-chargeable polymer amine (N = nitrogen) groups to negatively-charged nucleic acid phosphate (P) groups, is perhaps one of the most important physicochemical properties of polymer-based gene delivery vehicles.

How do you increase NP ratio?

The neutron–proton ratio (N/Z ratio or nuclear ratio) of an atomic nucleus is the ratio of its number of neutrons to its number of protons. Among stable nuclei and naturally occurring nuclei, this ratio generally increases with increasing atomic number.

What is the Redfield ratio quizlet?

Redfield ratio. 106:16:1 ratio of C:N:P which under optimal growth conditions is the amount removed by phytoplankton from seawater; it is also the amount released back into seawater when an organism dies and decomposes.

What should the ratio of acetylene and oxygen be?

Set regulators to 8 on acetylene and 10 on oxygen. Light torch and adjust to neutral flame. Once you have neutral flame, either BARELY increase acetylene or BARELY decrease oxygen. When you do this, you will see another cone form between the inner and outer. Most people refer to this as the “feather”. Your feather should be very, very small.

Where can you find the Redfield ratio in the ocean?

Redfield ratio or Redfield stoichiometry is the consistent atomic ratio of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus found in marine phytoplankton and throughout the deep oceans.

What’s the Redfield ratio and why should I Care?

The Redfield Ratio is the recurring ratio of 106:16:1 of carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus (C:N:P) found in marine phytoplankton. What’s the Redfield Ratio’s Practical Use?

Which is limiting nitrate or phosphate in the Redfield ratio?

Note that nitrate is more often limiting than phosphate. Redfield ratio or Redfield stoichiometry is the consistent atomic ratio of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus found in marine phytoplankton and throughout the deep oceans.