How is retinoschisis treated?

Retinoschisis usually doesn’t require treatment aside from glasses to improve your vision. However, some children with X-linked retinoschisis may have bleeding in their eye. This can be treated with either laser therapy or cryosurgery. In rare cases, children may need surgery to stop the bleeding.

How is retinal detachment different from retinoschisis?

HOW DO YOU DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN RETINOSCHISIS AND RETINAL DETACHMENT? Retinoschisis is a splitting of the retinal layers, most often at the outer plexiform layer or the nerve fiber layer. By contrast, a retinal detachment is a separation of the neurosensory retina from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).

Does retinoschisis go away?

There is no medical treatment for degenerative retinoschisis; however, vitrectomy surgery is occasionally required for complications related to either type of retinoschisis.

When do you treat retinoschisis?

It can cause problems with the central or peripheral vision. In some cases, the condition is present at birth, and in others, it will develop over time. Retinoschisis does not always require treatment. However, serious cases, including those in which retinal detachment has occurred, will require surgery.

Can you go blind from retinoschisis?

Signs & Symptoms Retinoschisis is characterized by a reduction in visual acuity. There may also be a loss of peripheral vision. Very few people become totally blind from either form of the disorder, but some men with the juvenile form may ultimately have very poor vision.

Does retinoschisis cause floaters?

Patients with retinoschisis should be educated about the signs and symptoms of retinal detachment. Patients need to understand that delaying the reporting of the sudden appearance of flashes of light, floaters, sparkles of light, or shadows, can seriously increase the risk of permanent vision decrease or loss.

Why would retinoschisis affect your vision?

When the retina splits, tiny lumps called cysts form between the layers. These cysts damage nerves and keep light signals from reaching the brain. Damaged nerves can make your vision blurry.

Is retinoschisis hereditary?

Juvenile retinoschisis is inherited in an x-linked recessive pattern. The gene associated with this condition is located on the X chromosome , one of the two sex chromosomes . In males (who have only one X chromosome ), one altered copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the condition.

Can retinoschisis lead to retinal detachment?

The juvenile form is the more serious form of retinoschisis. The acquired form may occur without symptoms (asymptomatic). This disorder may lead to retinal detachment. The retinal split often extends back over the area near the center of the visual field (macula).

How common is degenerative retinoschisis?

Degenerative retinoschisis This type of retinoschisis is very common with a prevalence of up to 7 percent in normal persons. Its cause is unknown. It can easily be confused with retinal detachment by the non-expert observer and in difficult cases even the expert may have difficulty differentiating the two.

Can you go blind from Retinoschisis?

Can rubbing eyes cause retinal detachment?

In general, eye rubbing alone will not lead to retinal tears or detachment. You would have to press and rub your eyes very hard to damage or detach the retina. However, excessive and aggressive eye rubbing is a bad habit that can potentially harm the cornea or cause eye irritation.