How long do people spend reading newspapers?

According to data from Zenith, approximately ten minutes were spent daily on reading newspapers in 2018. This figure was forecasted to decrease to an average of eight minutes per day in 2021.

How many hours do people in the UK spend online?

An annual survey carried out by the regulator found that adults in the UK spent an average of three hours and 47 minutes each day surfing the web on their computers, smartphones and tablets in 2020. That’s over an hour longer than adults in Germany, France and Spain.

What percentage of the UK read newspapers?

TV is the most-used platform for news nowadays (79%), followed by the internet (64%). Radio (44%) and newspapers (40%) are next most used. – A greater proportion of adults claim to use social media for news nowadays (44%) than all ‘other’ internet sources (37%).

How much do people spend on newspapers?

In 2005, UK households purchased approximately 4.45 billion British pounds worth of newspapers, whilst in 2020 this number dropped to around 2.8 billion British pounds….

Characteristic Expenditure in million GBP

How long do people spend reading online articles?

Dwell time is approx one minute This depends a lot on the type of article, publication as well as the reader, however, according to some recent studies, an average time to read an article online is around 55 seconds.

How many people read newspaper in the world?

2.5 billion
According to the data, more than half the world’s adult population read a newspaper: more than 2.5 billion in print and more than 600 million in digital form.

What is the average time spent online?

As of 2019 and 2020, the average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide amounted to 145 minutes per day, up from 142 minutes in the previous year.

How much time does the average person spend on social media 2020 UK?

The average UK user spends 110 minutes on social media per day. Social media penetration in the UK is 66%, while internet penetration in the UK is 94.9%. 80% of UK internet users were actively engaged in social media at least once per month in 2020.

How many people in the UK read the news online?

The share of UK online readers was higher than the European Union (EU 28) average. As of February 2019, BBC News online had the highest share of readers in the UK, with the Guardian and Mail Online coming in as second and third choice….

Characteristic Share of respondents
2020 70%
2019 66%
2018 69%
2017 64%

Which is the most trusted newspaper in UK?

The Times had the highest brand trust score (6.35/10) of any British national newspaper or news website, ahead of The Guardian (6.24), The Independent (6.05) and The Daily Telegraph (6.02). …

How much does the average person spend on technology per month?

According to a poll by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), consumers spent an average of $166 each month to pay for things like cable TV, home Internet access, mobile phone service and digital subscriptions — equal to 17percent of their monthly rent or mortgage payment.

How much do people spend on technology per year?

A questionnaire taken by 2,000 people in Britain found they spent more than 4,866 hours a year on average using gadgets such as phones, laptops and televisions. This would equate to 301,733 hours over the average adult lifetime of 62 years.