How long does grogginess last after a nap?

Sleep inertia slows down your motor and cognitive skills, which is why it sometimes feels impossible to do anything right after you wake up. Sleep inertia can last anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, though it typically improves within 15 to 60 minutes .

How do you stop being groggy when you wake up?

Sleep inertia is a natural part of waking up, but you can limit its effects by:

  1. regularly getting a full night’s sleep.
  2. limiting naps to less than 30 minutes.
  3. drinking coffee or another caffeinated beverage when you get up.

How do I recover from being groggy?

  1. Feeling tired? It’s common for people to become tired or even fatigued in our fast-paced modern world.
  2. Eat a balanced diet.
  3. Food Fix: Foods to Beat Fatigue.
  4. Get regular exercise.
  5. Drink more water.
  6. Cut down on caffeine.
  7. Get your sleep on.
  8. Ditch the alcohol.

Why am I so tired after a nap?

After about 20 minutes, the sleeping brain may move into what’s called slow-wave sleep, which is the deepest phase of sleep. If you nap too long, you may feel groggy and disoriented upon awakening instead of refreshed because long naps are more likely to contain deep slow-wave sleep.

When you feel groggy and disoriented after a long nap you are experiencing?

The symptoms of sleep inertia are the most noticeable upon waking and slowly decrease over time. Sleep inertia symptoms can be present upon waking from a lengthy sleep period or naps over 30 minutes10. The most common symptoms of sleep inertia are: Grogginess.

How can I make waking up early and easier?

Here are some simple tips to help you get in the habit of waking up early:

  1. Set an earlier bedtime.
  2. Unplug before bed.
  3. Avoid late-night snacking.
  4. Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee.
  5. Silence your phone.
  6. Avoid all-nighters.
  7. Sleep with your curtains open.
  8. Place your alarm clock across the room.

Does melatonin make you groggy?

Melatonin can make some people feel groggy and “hungover” the next day. I’m super sensitive to melatonin. Even though millions of people take the supplement almost every night, the few times I’ve taken any amount, I feel groggy and “hungover” for hours the next morning.

How do you fight fatigue from Covid?

What Can I Do to Manage COVID Fatigue?

  1. Accept that fatigue is a real side effect of having COVID-19.
  2. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Try relaxation techniques like mindful meditation, aromatherapy, yoga, and tai chi.
  4. Plan ahead on what you can get done with limited energy.
  5. Prioritize the tasks that are important.

Are 2 hour naps bad?

Naps exceeding half an hour during the day could possibly lead to serious health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. A study published in April 2016 found that naps lasting more than 60 minutes a day increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50 percent.

How to get the most out of a nap?

To get the most out of a nap, follow these tips: Keep naps short. Aim to nap for only 10 to 20 minutes. The longer you nap, the more likely you are to feel groggy afterward. However, young adults might be able to tolerate longer naps. Take naps in the early afternoon.

Why do I wake up groggy after taking a nap?

Temporary grogginess: People who take longer naps may feel groggy immediately after they wake up, says Gamaldo. “Because they are sleeping longer, they may wake up from a deeper stage of sleep, which occurs later in the cycle, and feel fuzzy headed,” she says.

When is the best time to take a nap?

Keep naps short. Aim to nap for only 10 to 20 minutes. The longer you nap, the more likely you are to feel groggy afterward. However, young adults might be able to tolerate longer naps. Take naps in the early afternoon. Napping after 3 p.m. can interfere with nighttime sleep.

What should I do if I wake up groggy in the middle of the night?

Your overall health and lifestyle may also play a part in determining treatment recommendations. For instance, you may need to reduce or eliminate alcohol use. However, if you’re experiencing typical grogginess after waking up, you might want to try some countermeasures to overcome the fogginess.