How long is bus journey from Dublin to Cork?

around 4 hours
Dublin to Cork by bus The duration of your bus trip is around 4 hours. A ticket for one trip will cost on average 45 USD.

How long is train journey from Dublin to Cork?

approximately 2h 37m
Is there a direct train between Dublin and Cork? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Heuston and arriving at Cork Kent. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 2h 37m.

How much is the bus to Cork?

Cork Local Link Fares

Fare Minimum Maximum
Adult Single €2.00 €6.00
Adult Return €3.00 €10.00
Child Single (5-18) €2.00 €3.00
Child Return (5-18) €2.00 €5.00

Is there a direct train from Cork to Dublin?

Cork to Dublin Trains Most Cork – Dublin trains are direct, and there are approximately ten departures every day in the extensive schedule to select from, making Ireland travel even more accessible.

Are the trains running from Cork to Dublin?

Is there a train from Cork to Dublin? Yes, the cities are connected by the Dublin – Cork Main Line, so you can easily travel between them on a fast and modern train.

How do you get from Cork to Dublin?

Distance from Dublin to Cork is 219 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 136 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Dublin and Cork is 219 km= 136 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Dublin to Cork, It takes 0.24 hours to arrive. Dublin is located in Ireland.

How far is Dublin Airport from Cork?

Total distance from Cork to Dublin Airport (DUB) is 226.25 kms. 226.25 kms equals to 140.58 miles and 122.08 nautical miles. Distance information is flight distance as a line. Flight time between Cork to Dublin Airport (DUB) can change depending on many different conditions.

How is the Road Dublin to Cork?

The N8 road is a national primary road in Ireland, connecting Cork with Dublin via the M7. The road is motorway standard from junction 19 on the M7 to the Dunkettle interchange outside Cork City and is designated as the M8 motorway. From here the route continues into Cork city and terminates at the N22 road at St. Patrick’s Street. The M8 motorway was completed in May 2010, replacing the single carriageway sections of the old N8 and bypassing towns on the main Cork to Dublin road.

How do you get around Ireland by train?

Taking the train around Ireland. Travelling by train is one of the most relaxing ways to see the glorious sights of Ireland. With no maps, no traffic jams and a cup of tea from the trolley, a train trip could be just the ticket. Dublin is the central hub for almost all train services, with routes fanning out to all big cities and many towns.