How long will I be off work after a hernia operation?

When can I return to work after hernia surgery? Most people can return to work within three days to two weeks after surgery. People who perform manual labor may need more time off.

How soon can you walk after hernia surgery?

People may be able to walk up to a few miles a day in the first couple of weeks. Most people will be able to resume full activity two weeks after hernia mesh surgery. It can be as long as four weeks with non-mesh hernia surgery. A doctor can determine when an individual patient is ready.

How do you poop after hernia surgery?

If your stomach is upset, try bland, low-fat foods like plain rice, broiled chicken, toast, and yogurt. If your bowel movements are not regular right after surgery, try to avoid constipation and straining. Drink plenty of water. Your doctor may suggest fibre, a stool softener, or a mild laxative.

Can you walk after a hernia operation?

There are no medical or physical restrictions on activity after surgery. That means it is OK to walk, climb stairs, lift, have sexual intercourse, mow the lawn, or exercise as long as it doesn’t hurt. In fact, returning to normal activity as soon as possible will most likely enhance your recovery.

How long do you stay in hospital after open hernia surgery?

Hospital Stay Plan to stay in the hospital as an inpatient 5 – 7 days after your procedure. Depending on the size of your hernia, at times you will spend the initial night after surgery in the intensive care unit.

What should I wear after hernia surgery?

Following their abdominal procedure, most patients find it beneficial to wear a compression garment, which is a soft, surgical girdle-like garment that fits over your abdomen and compresses it, minimizing swelling and encouraging proper healing.

Where do they cut for hernia surgery?

Open hernia repair is where an incision, or cut, is made in the groin. The hernia “sac” containing the bulging intestine is identified. The surgeon then pushes the hernia back into the abdomen and strengthens the abdominal wall with stitches or synthetic mesh.

How soon can you run after hernia surgery?

Running. If you are a runner, you will want to get back to running as soon as you can. Running may not be recommended in the days and weeks immediately following a hernia or having hernia surgery. The Hernia Center of Southern California suggests that you wait at least four weeks before beginning a vigorous running regimen.

Is it possible for a hernia to repair itself?

Umbilical hernia repair is commonly performed and generally safe. However, in order to make an informed decision and give your consent, you need to be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications of this procedure.

When can I return to work after hernia repair surgery?

Patients should begin to “feel normal” again about four to six weeks after surgery. Patients should not return to work or school during this time. Patients should only perform necessary daily functions, such as walking around the house. Most patients can return to work or school by day 4. Avoid lifting anything over 15 pounds.

What is the recovery time after hernia surgery?

Recovery from hernia mesh surgery can take weeks. Most people are able to return to work a week or two after surgery. Patients can usually have sex within one month after hernia repair.