How much does it cost to replace a laptop hinge?

Cost to Fix a Laptop Hinge A simple repair for a laptop hinge costs between $40 and $90. However, this cost can exceed $150 if the repair requires the replacement of other parts such as the back of the screen or front bezel. In some cases, fixing the hinge may require the tech to install custom brackets.

Will laptop work with broken hinge?

A broken laptop hinge can render your laptop useless. If your monitor won’t stay open and the lid feels loose, you have probably damaged your laptop’s hinges. Replacing a broken hinge can give your laptop more life and save you the expense of purchasing a new one.

Can a broken hinge on an HP laptop be repaired?

Anything is fixable if you throw enough money at it. But looking at the massive damage it will require a new screen bezel, new hinges and a new top cover and base assembly. Those parts will cost more than you paid for the laptop when purchased.

How do I know if my laptop hinge is loose?

If they’re too loose, the display will lift out of its frame when you move the assembly, causing the laptop to feel wobbly when opening and closing it. The other set of screws is located on the bottom of the laptop, so you’ll probably have to open up the laptop’s bottom case.

How much does it cost to repair a laptop hinge?

Absolute Computers, a computer repair company based in Raleigh, North Carolina, says most of their laptop hinge repairs are often in the $89 to $129 range, but the costs can vary depending upon the cause of the failing hinge. Those who want to do the job on their own should expect to pay around $20 to $50 for the parts.

How do I Fix my laptop hinge?

Tighten the laptop hinge’s screws. There will usually be two screws underneath the recently removed screen bezel and two additional screws underneath the keyboard cover. On most laptops, these will be Phillips-head screws. With the screws tightened, the laptop hinge should stop wobbling.

Can my laptop hinges be fixed?

The answer is yes . A broken laptop hinge can be repaired in several ways so that you won’t have to convert your laptop into a desktop. Laptops are also expensive machines so don’t want to incur exorbitant expenses to buy a new one yet you can spend a small fee to fix a broken or disassembled hinge.

What can I use to lubricate my lap top hinges?

Lightly coat the hinge pin with petroleum jelly Dab a little in the top of the pin slot. Reinsert the pin and wipe off any excess. Open and close the door a few times to work the petroleum jelly into the hinge joints.