How much does upper jaw surgery cost?

Orthognathic surgery (surgical jaw repositioning) is a complex procedure that can involve surgery to one or both jaws. Depending on the complexity of an individual case, you may expect the surgical portion of your procedure (not including hospital or anaesthetic fees) to cost between $5000 to $8000.

Is jaw surgery safe in India?

Risks or Complications associated with this Surgery This surgery is mostly very safe but still there are some risks that come with this procedure: Loss of blood. Infection. Jaw fracture.

How much does jaw surgery usually cost?

How Much Does Jaw Surgery Cost? The cost of jaw surgery typically ranges between $20,000-$40,000. However, surgery to correct temporomandibular joint dysfunction can cost up to $50,000.

Is upper jaw surgery safe?

Jaw surgery is generally safe when done by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, often in collaboration with an orthodontist. Risks of surgery may include: Blood loss. Infection.

Do I really need jaw surgery?

A malocclusion (misaligned bite) can cause these joints to become strained, which can lead to a stiff, painful jaw, as well as chronic headaches. For cases where the jaw alignment is so severe that it is hampering function, a patient may need to get surgery.

Is upper jaw surgery worth it?

Jaw Surgery might sound intimidating, frightening, or both. It isn’t easy to process the fact that your jaw needs to be realigned. Ultimately, overcoming the surgical aspects of orthognathic surgery is well worth the years of having a symmetric, visually appealing jawline.

Who is the best maxillofacial surgeon in India?

Best Maxillofacial Surgeons in India

  1. Rank 1. Dr. Kiran Gadre – Maxillofacial Surgeon – 33 Yrs.
  2. Rank 2. Dr. Anuradha Navaneetham – Maxillofacial Surgeon – 28 Yrs.
  3. Rank 3. Dr. Jeevan Aiyappa – Maxillofacial Surgeon – 24 Yrs.
  4. Rank 4. Dr. Viveka Vardhan Reddy N – Maxillofacial Surgeon – 20 Yrs.
  5. Rank 5. Dr.

How long does jaw surgery take?

Routine surgery on one jaw typically takes one to two hours. Surgery that involves multiple procedures may take as long as three to five hours.

Does jaw surgery change your lips?

Lip numbness:This is normal, immediately after the surgery. The upper lip recovers quickly. However the lower lip is much more variable and may take time to recover. Some patients report areas of permanent numbness which does not affect the appearance of the lip or its function.

Can you eat after jaw surgery?

After jaw surgery, it may take a while to be able to eat and drink normally again; this is to let the bones heal. At first, you may have to use a small plastic syringe, a small spoon or straw to eat and drink. This is because of any facial swelling you may have.

Can I avoid jaw surgery?

One of the most amazing feats that orthodontics is able to accomplish is that it can change skeletal structure without surgery. And surprisingly, orthodontics can prevent orthognathic surgery.