How often do you complete a CANS assessment?

Many users of the CANS and organizations complete the CANS every 6 months to measure change and transformation. We work with children, adolescents, and families and their needs tend to change over time. Needs may change in response to many factors including quality clinical support provided.

Who can complete a CANS assessment?

The CANS is typically completed interview style with a provider who is certified and trained to use the tool. 1 Providers are encouraged to introduce the CANS early in the assessment process and complete the CANS together or discuss results during collaborative treatment planning with the family.

What is cans trauma comprehensive?

The CANS-Trauma Comprehensive is an open domain tool for use in service delivery systems that address the mental health of children, adolescents and their families. The copyright is held by the Praed Foundation to ensure that it remains free to use.

What do cans scores mean?

1 = a score of 1 indicates an area that might require a little attention. A score of 3 indicates a need for intensive and/or immediate attention. CANS Scores – Level of Strengths. 0 = A zero represents a significant area of strength for a child, it is the best rating a child can get in the area of strengths.

How many hours is cans training?

It takes about 6 hours to complete but does not need to be completed in one sitting.

What does cans stand for?


Acronym Definition
CANS Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems (workshop)
CANS Cryptography and Network Security
CANS Central Auditory Nervous System (neurology)
CANS Conference on Cryptology and Network Security

Can assessments?

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment is a comprehensive trauma-informed behavioral health evaluation and communication tool. DFPS uses CANS to gather information about the strengths and needs of a child to plan for services that will help the child and family reach their goals.

What is a trauma assessment?

Trauma-Informed Mental Health Assessment refers to a process that includes a clinical interview, standardized measures, and/or behavioral observations designed to gather an in-depth understanding of the nature, timing, and severity of the traumatic events, the effects of those events, current trauma-related symptoms.

How do you determine cans level?

Sum the total of items endorsed (‘Yes’) across Groups A-D and enter the total in the space provided at the bottom of the left hand column (‘Sum the total number of items endorsed as Yes in Group A + Group B + Group C + Group D = ___ / 28’ ). 4. Next, move to the column that appears under “CANS Level”.

How much does cans certification cost?

After taking the exam, you will receive your results 4-6 weeks later via US mail. Recertification is done every 3 years….

$295* ISPAN members (membership must be current)
$25 Nonrefundable Application Fee
$100 Late Application Fee

How many modules are in cans training?

The CDSS approved CANS training offerings are available via each RTA’s website for their region through the CalSWEC website Statewide Training Schedule. The four CDSS training modules on CANS are grounded in the ICPM.