How would you describe lichenification?

Lichenification is when your skin becomes thick and leathery. This is usually a result of constant scratching or rubbing. When you continually scratch an area of skin or it is rubbed for a prolonged period of time, your skin cells begin to grow.

What is a medical lichenification?

Lichenified means the skin has become thickened and leathery. This often results from continuously rubbing or scratching the skin. Chronic irritation due to conditions such as eczema can cause lichenified skin. Moisturizers and topical steroids are usually used to treat lichenified skin.

Is lichenification a skin lesion?

Lichenification is a secondary skin lesion that is characterized by hyperpigmentation, thickening of the skin and exaggerated skin lines. These skin lesions usually appear from constant scratching or rubbing in areas, such as the elbows.

What does Prurigo Nodularis look like?

What does prurigo nodularis look like? A nodule of prurigo nodularis is firm to the touch. It is usually appears as a large dome-shaped, wart-like growth up to 3 cm in diameter. The lesions start as small, red, itchy papules or rounded skin bumps.

What is thickened skin?

Lichenification refers to a thickened, hardened area of skin. It may have a bumpy texture and be darker than surrounding skin. The issue occurs because of repeated rubbing or scratching, and it can result from a range of underlying health problems, including skin and mental health conditions.

What are pickers nodules?

Picker nodule (PN) is a skin disease featured by pruritic (itchy) nodules which normally occur on the arms or legs. Patients often manifest with multiple ulcerated swollen lesions caused by scratching (skin picking). PN is also known as Hyde prurigo nodularis, lichen corneus obtusus, prurigo nodularis.

How do I get rid of Prurigo?


  1. Corticosteroid creams that are applied to the nodules (topical) and covered with special bandages that are air- and water-tight.
  2. Corticosteroid injections into the nodules.
  3. Ointments with menthol or phenol to cool and soothe itchy skin.
  4. Capsaicin cream.
  5. Oral corticosteroids.
  6. Oral antihistamines.

What is dog Lichenification?

Lichenification is a term describing a common cutaneous reaction to chronic disease. The skin becomes markedly thickened with exaggerated markings so that the end result in severe cases may resemble elephant skin (Miller and others, 2013).

What is the medical definition of lichenification?

Medical Definition of lichenification : the process by which skin becomes hardened and leathery or lichenoid usually as a result of chronic irritation also : a patch of skin so modified Learn More About lichenification Dictionary Entries Near lichenification

What does it mean to have lichen on your skin?

What is lichenification? Lichenification is when your skin becomes thick and leathery. This is usually a result of constant scratching or rubbing. When you continually scratch an area of skin or it is rubbed for a prolonged period of time, your skin cells begin to grow.

Is there a cure for lichenification of skin?

Since there are a number of conditions that cause similar symptoms, lichenification can be difficult to diagnose. Most treatments for lichenification focus on alleviating the symptoms, which include pain and intense itching. Steroids may be prescribed by a doctor to help stop the itching.

How can a doctor tell if you have lichenification?

A doctor can typically diagnose lichenification with a physical examination. Once the doctor diagnoses the issue, they will ask about other symptoms to determine the underlying cause. If the cause is difficult to identify, the doctor may order additional tests, such as a skin biopsy. Lichenification refers to a thickened, hardened area of skin.