Is AlgoExpert worth buying?

If you want to improve your chances of landing a FAANG-level software engineering job, yes, AlgoExpert is worth it. There’s no denying there are numerous free interview prep resources out there. There are also a few paid options that are high-quality, too.

Who is the author of Cracking the Coding Interview?

Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Cracking the Coding Interview/Authors

Gayle Laakmann McDowell is the founder and CEO of CareerCup and the author of Cracking the PM Interview and Cracking the Tech Career. Her background is in software development. She has worked as a software engineer at Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

How do you hack an interview code?

How to Hack a Coding Interview

  1. During the interview, don’t obsess over little mistakes that happen.
  2. Don’t hijack the interview.
  3. When answering questions expecting a specific answer, give a high-level summary first.
  4. Techniques for technical questions:

How much is AlgoExpert making?

How much revenue does AlgoExpert generate? AlgoExpert generates $480.0K in revenue.

Can we share AlgoExpert account?

You may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity, and you may not share an account with another person. You acknowledge that AlgoExpert is not responsible for third party access to your account that results from theft or misappropriation of your account.

Is LeetCode premium worth?

Is LeetCode Worth It? If all you’re looking for is a way to brush up your coding skills, LeetCode Premium is a great choice. It has a (nearly) endless amount of problems for you to work on, so you can spend months honing your skills.

Should I read Cracking the Coding Interview Before LeetCode?

It is important that you do some prep work before practicing on Leetcode, GeeksForGeeks, or Cracking the Coding Interview (CTCI) — especially if you graduated from college a long time ago or are self-taught. In many cases, they’ll be willing to create new roles for you if you do well in the interview.

What language is used in cracking the coding interview?

Cracking the Coding Interview/Original languages

What should I study for coding interview?

4 Tips for Preparing for a Coding Interview

  • Build the hard skills. Get in the habit of regularly doing code challenges.
  • Don’t forget the soft skills.
  • Acknowledge multiple solutions.
  • Study your algorithms and data structures.

What language is cracking the coding interview in?

Can HackerRank detect cheating?

HackerRank for Work provides the ability to monitor Candidates’ focus on the Test screen while they are attempting Tests, and this is referred to as Proctoring. Through proctoring, recruiters can assess their Candidates’ authenticity and note any suspicious activities or malpractices during the Test.