Is AP or tank Malphite better?

Stacking armor is the best build against AD comps, and you can build him AP against AP comps. If you play him toplane, tank is probably better, as it gives more utility.

Is Malphite a top?

Malphite 11.21 Malphite Build 11.21 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 52.55% (Good), Pick Rate of 3.39% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.78% (Low).

Is Malphite bad?

Malphite is only bad when he has a bad team that won’t engage with him. If you have mana issues on malphite, max E instead of Q and run Grasp instead of comet. His E has a lot lower mana cost, does more damage and since he is tanky you want to walk up to them anyway.

Is there a full AP build for malphite?

Recently I have seen quite many AP Malphite players in my games, running stuff like Luden’s Tempest, Liandry’s Anguish etc, but generally they went pretty much full-AP build. That thing caught my attention and my guess is, that it’s happening only because Riot increased AP ratios on Ground Slam.

When to use a malphite in League of Legends?

Another situation, where I find Malphite quite decent is when you are facing AD assasin on midlane like Zed or Talon, because not only that you are able to deal with these guys in lane. You should be as well able to follow them without worrying about their assasination potential too much.

How is malphite a good situational champion?

To wrap up points, said above, Malphite is really great situational champion, that can really destroy certain toplane champions and he is definitelly strong teamfighter. But at same time, he has quite obvious weaknesses like being inefficient against heavy AP teams.

How much damage does malphite do when he slams the ground?

Malphite slams the ground dealing 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+40% of his Total Armor) (+60% of ability power) magic damage to surrounding enemies, reducing their attack speed by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 % for 3 seconds.