Is Baby Foot Peel toxic?

Is Baby Foot safe? For most people, yes. The process is painless, and while its ingredients are effective on many folks’ skin, it’s important to note that these are acids, and you should check with a medical professional before starting on a chemically exfoliating regimen — on your feet, or elsewhere.

Are foot peels toxic?

According to Stern, most over-the-counter peels that are sold in the U.S. are safe if used with certain precautions. She highly suggests performing a patch test on a small area of skin to make sure you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Should I wear socks after Baby Foot?

Wear snug socks as much as possible in the days/weeks to follow, including to sleep at night. Wearing sandals or going barefoot during the peeling process will elongate the process and it won’t be as drastic as it will be if you wear socks as much as possible.

What does Baby Foot peeling feel like?

While I anticipated tingling or even burning, the experience was more akin to a bath. I found the included tape didn’t work well at keeping the plastic sealed, but slipping a big pair of socks over the booties stabilized the process. Instagram post not found.

Is it safe to use expired Baby Foot peel?

Is there any expiration date for Baby Foot? As a rough guide, the recommended use-by-date will be two years if it is unopened. Please use it as soon as possible after it is opened.

Should you moisturize feet after foot peel?

Can I use lotion after my foot peel treatment? We recommend not using lotion after your foot peel treatment. Instead, if your feet become dry, apply an oil-free moisturizer.