Is belt ratting worth it?

Belt ratting does seem to have a higher chance for faction spawns though and hauler spawns can be worth a lot of money if you’re lucky. Personally I like to belt rat more just because anomalies get so monotonous and like to break it up with belt ratting from time to time.

What does rat mean in EVE Online?

What is ratting? Ratting is the hunting and killing of NPC pirates, which can appear in asteroid belts and cosmic anomalies, and also near to gates in nullsec space. Players receive bounty payments for killing rats. The amount of the bounty is based on the difficulty of killing the rat.

What is Nullsec Eve?

Nullsec, short for “Null Security Space”, comprises every system in EVE that has a security status at or below 0.0. These are the regions of space where wars between the great alliances and coalitions have been fought, and where the powerful pirate factions make their home.

Why is it called ratting?

: What is the origin of “ratted out”? Short answer, rats off a sinking ship. It is a prison term, according to “The Slang of Sin” by Tom Dalzell. (A second meaning — during American prohibition — a rat was the individual who actually carried the liquor on his or her person.)

What is ratting in Eve echoes?

In EVE echoes, one of the main way to earn ISK is called ratting, you kill pirates and CONCORD ( the npc faction that is basicaly the police in EVE) will pay you bounties for your service. The bounty will vary based on the “size” of the pirate ship and if this is an elite or not as well.

Does Concord respond in Lowsec?

0.4-0.1 low-sec space. There is no Concord in low-sec space and you are much more likely to be attacked by other pilots in low-sec. The attacker gets criminally flagged and if there are any sentry guns nearby he will be shot at by those guns. Sentry guns are present at gates and stations only.

How do you survive Nullsec?


  1. Quickly check D-Scan for any signs of an obvious trap, such as a bubble or camp at a nearby gate or station.
  2. Pick a safe spot or planet to warp to.
  3. While you are still cloaked, wait until any moving ships are heading away from you before engaging warp.

What does ratting mean in slang?

Slang To reveal incriminating or embarrassing information about someone, especially to a person in authority: ratted on his best friend to the police.

What does ratting mean?

to not be loyal to someone, especially by giving away secret information about them, or to fail to do something that you said you would do: He ratted on us.

Is 0.5 Safe Eve echoes?

Systems with a security of 0.5 or higher are referred to as high security or “highsec”. In these areas it is impossible to attack other players, loot cargo containers belonging to other players, and use items prohibited in empire regions, such as the MK5 Interdiction Sphere Launcher.

What’s the best way to belt rat in Eve?

One of the keys to effective belt ratting is to focus down targets which are actually a threat to you. Surprisingly this is the smaller pirate ships. The smaller ships are faster, Have smaller guns which will be able to hit you and they often have secondary effects such as being able to slow you down or reduce your targeting range!

Which is the best ship for ratting in Eve?

Also heres the fit I use for my VNI, it aint cap stable but it gets the job done. Slowly… sure, the Machariel is a great ship and of course you can rat in it.

Which is the best PvE belt ratting ship?

The Praxis is a fantastic ship BUT only after CCP gives them away…you can get them for 60-70M and that’s pure value there…plus it’s low SP friendly! The fit is pretty simple and you can figure that out… For low sec, most T1 destroyers and cruisers are viable. The Algos is very cost-effective for the dps it puts out. I use this in Serpentis space.

Do you need standings to get rats in Eve?

You do not need to develop any standings with factions or corporations to gain access to rats, as they appear spontaneously, also known as “spawning”, in asteroid belts and anomalies found in systems. Over the next hour, we shall cover some of the basics in ratting effectively, and provide some tips for doing it profitably.