Is Buddleia easy to grow?

The classic summer-flowering buddleja or butterfly bush (B. davidii) is easy to grow in a sunny spot and just needs some annual pruning to look good.

How do you prune a Buddleia Weyeriana?

They can be pruned hard after flowering, and you should cut shoots back to strong buds/younger growth. Do not let plants dry out in the summer, particularly in hot weather.

Is Buddleia a problem?

Why is Buddleia a problem? Once buddleia begins to grow, its root systems can weaken any materials as they can grow through masonry and brickwork. This means buddleia has the potential to cause costly repair bills or even render a property unsafe/unstable/uninhabitable.

How do you propagate Buddleia?

Take a cutting that is 6-12 inches long and cut just under a leaf bud at the bottom and then just above a leaf bud towards the top to form a cutting that is 6-10 inches long. Dip it into cutting powder to help promote roots and make a hole in the compost with a dibber and insert the cutting into a suitable container.

How long does Buddleia take to grow from seed?

20 -30 days
Then, move to a propagator or seal in a polythene bag and maintain an optimum temperature of 18-22C. Make sure that the compost remains moist but take care not to over wet it. Germination usually occurs in 20 -30 days. As the seedlings emerge, gradually increase ventilation by opening the bag or propagator vents.

Can Buddleia be kept small?

Varieties of Buddleja davidii can become very tatty if not properly pruned. If hard pruned in early spring, the most vigorous varieties will still grow to 3m tall and 2m across by summer, while the smaller forms, such as ‘Nanho Blue’, can be kept to less than 1.5m in height and spread.

Is there a dwarf Buddleia?

Most Buddleia varieties grow to over 7ft (210cm) tall, not always making them ideal for smaller gardens. There are now new breeds of ‘true’ dwarf Buddleias that will only grow to 2-3ft (60-90cm) and they are excellent for planting in smaller spaces.

Is buddleia Tricolour Evergreen?

Buddleia Tricolour is a unique mix of three beautiful Buddleia Butterfly Bushes in a single pot. It is a deciduous shrub that flowers in spring and summer with stunning blooms in cone-shaped clusters.

Why is buddleia bad?

The plant can cause damage to buildings, such as crumbling brickwork – its tiny wind-blown seeds can germinate in decaying mortar. It advises against planting buddleia where it may be unmanaged and recommends gardeners remove seed heads.

Can you grow buddleia from seed?

When you have separated the seeds as best you can they can be stored in a paper envelope until you are ready to sow them. B. davidii sows itself readily and you would think it would be easy to grow from seed: just leave a few pots around under your shrub and watch the seedlings appear next spring.

When should I plant buddleia?

Plant Buddleia in Spring or in Autumn before the first frosts and water thoroughly after planting. When planting, loosen the soil and mix in compost and dig a hole twice the diameter of the plant container. They will not perform well if grown in soil that tends to retain a lot of water in the winter.