Is guayusa tea good for you?

Guayusa leaves contain various beneficial compounds linked to potential health benefits. This Amazonian plant is rich in antioxidants and caffeine that may promote weight loss, blood sugar regulation, and improved mood and alertness. Its tea is safe to drink and serves as an excellent alternative to coffee.

What does guayusa tea taste like?

Unlike yerba mate, which can bear a somewhat bitter taste, guayusa is regarded as smooth, earthy, and slightly sweet.

Is guayusa the same as yerba mate?

Yerba mate is the plant ilex paraguariensis, while guayusa is ilex guayusa (a lot easier to remember). Yerba mate is grown and consumed in the southern parts of South America such as Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. Guayusa, on the other hand, grows in the northern parts of South America.

How much L Theanine is in guayusa?

Ilex guayusa has an interesting pharmacological profile, containing L-theanine (1.3 mg/g), theobromine (0.4 mg/g), caffeine (32.8 mg/g) as well as some flavonoids (Sequeda-CastaƱeda et al., 2016).

Does guayusa raise blood pressure?

Guayusa is safe for adults in moderate amounts. Since guayusa has high amounts of caffeine and stimulant properties, it is unsuitable for young children. Excess caffeine can cause high blood pressure, jitters, upset stomach, and anxiety. Do not drink guayusa if you have a sensitivity to caffeine.

Does guayusa tea stain teeth?

She found that Guayusa has given her back the cup of tea she so missed – without the stomach irritation. In addition, tannin is what is responsible for the stains inside tea cups that can be so hard to remove. It’s true that tea can also stain the teeth – more than coffee, it’s believed – as it contains more tannins!

Does guayusa tea have tannins?

Both are naturally caffeinated and contain healthy polyphenols to offer sustained energy for consumers. However, guayusa leaves have lower levels of tannins which means it has a naturally sweeter and smoother taste than yerba mate.

Is guayusa a diuretic?

While few studies have focused on guayusa compared to other teas, traditionally it was thought to act as a natural digestive tonic and a diuretic, as well as a supporter of fertility and vitality.

What guayusa means?

Grown in the jungle by the indigenous Kichwa, guayusa (gwhy-you-sa) is a sacred leaf used in ceremonial rituals.

Is guayusa psychoactive?

From a scientific point of view, the properties attributed by the Amazonian peoples to this sacred plant can be explained by caffeine’s psychoactive effects. Drinking a cup of guayusa infusion provides the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee or black tea.

Does guayusa have l-theanine?