Is it safe to put olbas oil in the bath?

Olbas bath oil can be added to a warm bath to comfort and relax the body. The natural vapours gently clear your head, whilst relaxing weary muscles.

How do you steam with olbas oil?

To feel the benefit of the family favourite, Olbas Oil, simply add two to three drops of the nation’s household favourite decongestant oil to a tissue and inhale as required or add a few drops to hot water and leave to release its powerful vapours around the room.

How do you use olbas bath?

How to use Olbas Bath: Add about half a capful to running water in the bath, then lie back, relax weary muscles, letting the natural vapurs gently clear your head. Caution when using Olbas Bath: For use of age 3 years and over.

What is olbas oil good for?

Olbas Oil is a mixture of essential pure plant oils for relief of bronchial and nasal congestion and hayfever by inhalation, and for symptomatic relief of muscular pain by application to the skin.

Can babies use Olbas bath?

Can be used at night or added to hot water. Not recommended for babies under 3 months old.

Is it OK to take a bath after steam inhalation?

Many people wonder, can I take a bath after a steam shower? The answer is yes. Part of the cooldown should include a shower or bath to further cleanse your skin after the soothing steam has penetrated your epidermis and loosened impurities.

Can you put Olbas Oil in a bowl of hot water?

For a really intense Olbas experience, put a few drops of Olbas Oil in a bowl of hot water, lean over it and cover your head with a towel. It’s enough to clear even the most stubborn of blocked noses. When you’re feeling achy, try massaging in a few drops of Olbas Oil for soothing relief.

What are the side effects of Olbas Oil?

Contact dermatitis and other allergic reactions may occur in hypersensitive people. Reports of an overdose by inhalation of 5ml Olbas Oil have been said to cause ataxia, confusion, euphoria, nystagmus and diplopia.

Is olbas oil the same as eucalyptus?

Olbas oil is a brand name for a liquid decongestant usually inhaled to ease cold symptoms. It consists of essential plant oils such as cajuput, clove, eucalyptus, juniper berry, levomenthol, peppermint, and wintergreen.

Can you put olbas oil in a bowl of hot water?

Is Olbas Oil the same as eucalyptus?