Is layering possible in guava?

Air-layering is the commercial method in practice for propagation of guava. The most ideal time for air- layering in guava is between April and June in the warm and humid climate, when the average temperature varies between 29.3 and 30.5°C and relative humidity between 69.0 and 80.0 per cent.

Which type of layering is done in guava?

air layering
Plants grown by air layering: Foliage plants like Ficus, Crotons, Aralia are also successfully propagated by air layering. For fruiting trees like Citrus, Mango, Guava, layering is one of the best methods of propagation; grafting being the other one.

Which month is suitable for layering in guava?

Air layering is also known as ‘goottee’ which is mainly practiced during rainy season (June to September) because of high rooting and survival of layers (80-85%).

What can I plant next to guava?

The best companion planting options for guava trees include:

  • Citrus trees.
  • Chives.
  • Marigold.
  • Comfrey.
  • Borage.

What are the types of layering?

There are six common types of layering: air, simple, tip, trench, serpentine and mound. Air and simple layering are the most popular types. Air layering, also known as pot layering or marcottage, was used by the Chinese centuries ago.

What is air layering method?

Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems still attached to the parent plant. The stem is wrapped with damp moss to encourage roots to form.

What should be the distance between the guava plants?

6 m. x 6 m.
Standard spacing is 6 m. x 6 m. accommodating 112 plants/acre. By increasing the plant density, productivity can be increased.

How much space does guava tree need?

Spacing Guava. Consider the size of the tree at maturity when spacing guava in the garden. Most cultivars for home gardens can be planted 10 to 15 feet apart or less.

What is the best fertilizer for guava tree?

The use of a guava tree fertilizer with a 6-6-6-2 (nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium–magnesium) ratio is recommended. For each feeding, scatter the fertilizer evenly on the ground, starting a foot (30 cm.) from the trunk, then spreading out to the tree drip line. Rake it in, then water.

How do you do air layering?

Air layering is pretty simple. You need moist sphagnum moss to wrap around a wounded section of the stem. Wound an area in the middle of a branch by peeling the bark away, then wrap the moss around the cut and secure it with floral ties or plant twine. Cover the entire thing with plastic wrap to conserve the moisture.