Is there a dwarf Sweetbay Magnolia?

A dwarf variant of the Sweetbay Magnolia, the Sweet Thing ® Magnolia is an excellent substitute for traditional hedge and foundation plants. Able to be trained into either a shrub or multi-stem tree, the plant is remarkably tough. It flowers throughout the summer with blooms typical of the Sweetbay Magnolia.

Can you keep a Sweetbay magnolia small?

The magnolia can be pruned to keep it a smaller size.

Can magnolia trees survive in Pennsylvania?

Of these eight species, the cucumber-tree (Magnolia acuminata), Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), bigleaf magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla), umbrella-tree (Magnolia tripetala) and sweet bay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana) can all be found throughout Pennsylvania.

Are Sweetbay magnolias messy?

Sweetbay magnolia is the latest native plant blooming in my garden. Fortunately, it’s not the same as southern magnolia, a huge evergreen tree that drops messy leaves and pods throughout the year. Bright red seeds follow but no bothersome big pods like you see on southern magnolias.

Is Sweetbay magnolia fragrant?

Sweetbay magnolia is a late blooming tree native to the eastern United States. It has fragrant, creamy-white flowers and glossy, dark green leaves with silvery undersides.

How close to the house can I plant a sweetbay magnolia?

In general, plant large trees 30 to 50 feet from the house foundation to prevent damage by the roots. While magnolia roots are not considered invasive, they may seek out leaking water or sewer lines.

Are sweetbay magnolia roots invasive?

The answer is yes and no. While the roots are not necessarily invasive, you may get magnolia tree root damage when the trees grow too close to your house. Most tree roots seek a water source, and magnolia tree roots are no exception.

How fast do magnolia trees grow in Pennsylvania?

Magnolia Tree Lifespan Magnolias are medium to rapid growers —a cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminate), hardy from USDA zones 3 through 8, can grow over 25 feet tall in 10 years —about as fast as a silver maple (Acer saccharinum), hardy from USDA zones 3 through 9.

Do Sweetbay magnolias lose their leaves in winter?

Sweetbay magnolia is semi-evergreen, meaning it will lose its leaves for only a short time during winter (as it’s beginning to do in the photo to the right). The long, oval leaf is shiny green on the top side with a silvery underside.

Do Sweetbay magnolias have invasive roots?

Is Jane Magnolia fragrant?

Are the flowers fragrant? Jane Magnolia tree flowers have a light fragrance.

Where can I find a Sweetbay magnolia tree?

Sweetbay magnolia is a late blooming tree native to the eastern United States. It has fragrant, creamy-white flowers and glossy, dark green leaves with silvery undersides. This small tree is an excellent choice near patios, wood edges, and shrub borders. It is also tolerant to wet sites, such as pond edges and low areas in a landscape.

Where did Earl Cully grow sweetbay magnolias?

Earl Cully had a tree nursery in Morgan County, Illinois. When young he had been closely guided by horticulture professor J.C. McDaniel of the University of Illinois to appreciate trees, and magnolias were always a passion of McDaniel. In 1975 Cully was examining a row of seedling sweetbay magnolias]

When do sweet bay magnolia leaves fall off?

Like many native trees, you can guess that it has several nicknames. If you live further South, you’ll likely know it by Sweetbay Magnolia or Swamp Magnolia. If you have mild winters, Sweet Bay leaves will likely remain on the tree all year long. In colder climates, the leaves are deciduous and fall off for winter.

How tall does a Moonglow sweetbay magnolia get?

The Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia is a large multi-stem tree, growing to 35 feet tall and spreading 20 to 25 feet wide within 20 years of planting. It typically has about 5 main trunks, with branches low down, and forms a dense, upright tree of considerable beauty.