Is there surgery for wide set breasts?

The short answer is yes. There is no reason that a woman with wide set breasts cannot undergo breast augmentation surgery. In addition to the health requirements, we primarily recommend breast augmentation for women who want to achieve a fuller, but still natural size.

Is it normal for my breasts to be far apart?

Breast asymmetry, or uneven breasts, can be very common. Breasts can vary in size or shape for several reasons—genetics, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain medical conditions. You may not mind having uneven breasts, or you might feel uncomfortable.

How long do you have to wait between breast augmentation?

Timing Breast Implant Revision In the case of cosmetic issues, such as problems with the size of your implants, it is wise to wait a minimum of three to six months before pursuing breast implant revision. Residual swelling takes time to subside and your implants need time to settle in their final position.

Will my implants move closer together?

Q: Will implants move my breasts closer together and give me more cleavage? A: Breast implants won’t significantly change the placement of your breasts, either to make them higher on your torso or closer together in the middle. Women whose breasts sit wider apart will still have a wide cleavage after surgery.

What is the space between two breasts called?

A woman’s cleavage is the space between her breasts, especially the top part which you see if she is wearing a dress with a low neck.

Is it safe to have a second breast augmentation?

Risks Of Getting A Second Breast Augmentation Of course, any surgical procedure carries the risk of complications. One of the risks of getting a second breast augmentation include capsular contracture, especially if you experienced capsular contracture the first time around.

Does breast augmentation hurt the second time?

Is a second breast augmentation less painful? Many patients find they experience less pain after a second breast augmentation when compared to their first procedure. Your surgeon may be able to remove or replace the implants without creating a new pocket.

Is it good to show cleavage?

Too much boobage, and you may end up perceived as sexual, not professional. “Showing a lot of breast is a distraction, especially in the workplace,” she says. If your breasts are standing out, “that’s probably inappropriate,” Squires says. Don’t reveal more than an inch of cleavage at work, Rothschild says.

Do breast implants sit high after surgery?

How Will My Implants Settle? After your breast augmentation, your implants may appear to sit high on your chest during the early stages of healing. Following your surgery, your muscle will begin to relax, allowing the implant to “drop” behind the muscle wall into a more natural position over time.