Should I be worried if my belly button smells?

You don’t need to contact your doctor for hygiene conditions. Once you clean your belly button, the smell should improve. Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice a discharge from your belly button, though. It could be a symptom of infection.

How do I keep my belly button clean?

How to clean your belly button

  1. Put a little bit of antibacterial soap on a washcloth when you’re in the shower.
  2. Using your index finger underneath the washcloth, gently wash the inside of your belly button.
  3. After you get out of the shower, pat your belly button dry.

Why does my belly button smell like cheese?

Most innies are full of dozens of kinds of bacteria, fungi, and lint — especially if they’re on a hairy belly. If a navel gets infected, it might also have a foul-smelling, cheese-like liquid inside. Speaking of cheese, a biologist teamed up with an artist in 2013 to create cheese using belly button bacteria.

How do I stop my belly button from smelling?

Using warm water and mild soap, use a washcloth to gently clean around and just inside the belly button. Rinse with clean, warm water and dry with a towel to make sure that all water has been removed from the belly button. Showering or bathing regularly can help to prevent skin problems and odor.

How do you get rid of a smelly belly button?

Dip your finger or a soft washcloth in a solution of salt water (about a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water) and gently massage the inside of your navel. This should loosen stubborn germs that can cause odor. Then rinse with plain water and pat it dry.

Why is my belly button always wet and smelly?

Dirt, bacteria, fungus, and germs can get trapped inside your belly button and start to multiply, which can cause an infection. If you develop a belly button infection, you might notice white, yellow, brown, or bloody discharge seeping out of it. That discharge might also have an unpleasant smell.

Can your belly button open?

No! The belly button is kind of like a scar. You can’t reopen your belly button. Depending on how the scar tissue forms will decide whether you have an innie or an outie!

Why is my belly button wet smelly and itchy?

If your belly button is “leaking” clear or colored discharge or blood, you may have a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection. Crusty skin, strong odor, itching, and redness are also signs of infection. If discharge and crust stick around after you wash your belly button, you should see your doctor.

Is belly button infection serious?

Why does my belly button smell even if I wash it?

Most belly buttons are indented so act as a trap for sweat, dead skin, and dirt. Few people wash the belly button with soap so germs can develop. The most common cause for a belly button smell is poor hygiene. All areas of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy.

What causes smelly belly button?

Infection of the belly button and poor hygiene are main causes of the smelly belly button and discharge. This condition can be accompanied by bleeding especially when you have a belly button pierce.

Why do you have a smelly belly button?

Because the belly button is a moist and warm area, it is vulnerable to the growth of bacteria that leads to different types of infection. This causes the belly button to produce unpleasant odor and discharge. The smelly belly button can also be accompanied by bleeding especially when you have a belly button pierce.

Why is my belly button red and leaking?

The most common cause of pain and discharge in the belly button is due to candida. Candida albicans thrives in warm, moist areas such as the urinary tract, mouth, and nose as well as the belly button. An overgrowth of fungus results in a red, swollen belly button and discharge.

Why does my belly button hurt when I cough?

If you feel a sharp pain near your belly button that gets worse when you stretch or cough, you might have a hernia. A bulge near the belly button is the most common symptom.