Should I learn OCaml or Haskell?

If Haskell is a niche language, then OCaml is a super-niche language. The OCaml community is much smaller. Where Haskell is doing more-or-less fine with libraries, OCaml has significantly less to propose. While Haskell has Text , OCaml mostly uses its built-in string type, which is simply an array of bytes.

Should I learn Haskell or Erlang?

Haskell has more concise syntax, better suited for traditional programming competitions, whereas Erlang is successful, but its syntax is not easy to get on with. Haskell does not have brilliance when it comes to concurrency, whereas Erlang is suitable for the concurrency-based system.

Is OCaml worth learning?

As multiple forum posts attest, OCaml isn’t easy to learn. However, it learning it can be worthwhile even if you don’t get into Jane Street. It’s not just Jane Street that uses OCaml, and it’s not just Jane Street’s developers who can code in the language.

Is OCaml hard to learn?

We have observed that OCaml is really hard for beginners to learn without help. Very early in their OCaml programming experience, beginners face type errors of the form “foo has type int -> int -> int whereas it is expected to be of type int ”, as a consequence of typos or missing parentheses.

Should I learn Haskell or Elixir?

If you want to start with functional programming then you can choose Haskell or Reason. You can choose Reason for front-end development with ReasonReact. If you want to learn how to build good scalable and fault-tolerant systems then Erlang or Elixir is the right choice.

Why you should not learn Python in 2021?

One of the reasons why people finding it difficult to apply Python in their daily jobs is that people are only learning Python as a programming language syntax. Almost all programming languages share the same fundamental building blocks, so there’s no need to re-learn them (only brief syntax is enough).

Is OCaml like Haskell?

OCaml is more of a multi-paradigm language than Haskell. It’s not purely functional, so you can easily fallback into imperative code if you need (you can use mutable variables, I/O, mutable arrays, hashmaps, for loops, while loops, etc.).

Which is a better language Haskell or OCaml?

The OCaml community is much smaller. Where Haskell is doing more-or-less fine with libraries, OCaml has significantly less to propose. There are some nice libraries in OCaml, but in many areas the situation is not perfect. For example, you would expect a modern Unicode-aware string type in your language of choice.

How to check if OCaml is installed in cmd.exe?

Check if ocamlfind is installed typing it in cmd.exe . The command opam config env is used to add opam ‘s executables directory to the enviroment path. If after logout you cannot reach ocamlfind anymore, you can manually add it adding to path the following line: C:/Users/ /Documents/.opam/system/bin/ .

How is OCaml used as a Unix shell?

With the OCaml toplevel, you can write and execute OCaml code, as a UNIX shell. Afterwards, the toplevel checks the type of your code immediately. So, you can quickly and easily test some parts of code without compilation and execution.

Who are the users of the language Haskell?

Haskell is a niche, rarely used language. The situation is changing, but make no mistake, it is very far away from the mainstream languages such as Python, JavaScript, or Java. The users of Haskell are banks, payment systems, companies related to the crypto-currency business, big corporations, and others.