Should it be anytime or any time?

When in doubt, write any time as two words. It might look a little old-fashioned, but it won’t be wrong. Anytime is an adverb that means “whenever” or “at any time.” You can use it like you would any other adverb: Call me anytime. If you have a preposition, you need the two-word version: They could call at any time.

Can you meet anytime or any time?

Use “any time” (two words) when you want to refer to any particular amount of time. Remember that anytime (one word) is an adverb, so it modifies the verb. So, if you can’t figure out which to use, ask yourself, “When?” If you can answer “anytime,” then use one word. Example: You can call me anytime.

Is there any time or some time?

Adverbial any time is often used in place of anytime. The closed spellings are the true adverbs, but the open spellings also have adverbial use. Some time and any time are noun phrases, which are most recognizable when they are preceded by a preposition, but take away that preposition and they function as adverbs.

What does at any time mean?

If something could happen at any time, it is possible that it will happen very soon, though nobody can predict exactly when.

What comes after the word after?

When it is used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun. I went for a short walk after dinner. After the war, he went back to work on his dad’s farm.

Can you say anytime after thank you?

We say thank you when we want to show our appreciation or gratitude for something that somebody else did. We say anytime in response to thank you. Anytime is similar to you’re welcome, no problem, my pleasure, not at all, glad to help, of course, etc.

Is it anywhere or any where?

Any where is a misspelling. Anywhere is correct. Anywhere is a single word that means at any point or location. It can also be utilized as a function word for limitations in calculations.

How do you say I’m available anytime?

Examples of the Best Answers

  1. I am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about the start and end times on those days.
  2. I’m available during school hours while my children are at school, 9 am – 3 pm, Monday through Friday.
  3. I’m flexible and available just about any time you need me to work.

How do you say after some time?

“We started kissing, then after some time, we broke off and just held each other.”…What is another word for after some time?

eventually one day
ultimately finally
at last in the end
at long last when all is said and done
at the end of the day belatedly

Can I use sometimes in the past?

Sometimes is typically used with the simple present and simple past. It can be placed immediately before the main verb, or before the subject: Sometimes I drive to school / I sometimes drive to school. It can also be used at the end of the phrase: I drive to school sometimes.

What does anytime after mean?

After = more than. It is from [that time onwards] that does. “Any time from 6 PM” includes 6 PM and any time after.

Can you say anytime thank you?

What is the meaning of the word anytime?

Anytime, used as a single word, is an adverb, and it has a meaning similar to “whenever,” “at any time,” or “ on any occasion.”. Here are a few examples, We can talk anytime you want. Anytime you need something, just call. You can watch TV anytime; let’s go do something. The train should be leaving anytime now.

Which is correct any time or anytime time?

“Any time,” written as two words, is always correct. It should always be written as two words in formal writing . The word “anytime” is a contraction known as a casualism, which is the result of the informal usage of a grammatically incorrect word becoming widely accepted.

When do you use the word any in a sentence?

The package is due to arrive at any time. Because tensions between the two countries are high, violence could erupt at any time. It is also written as a two-word phrase when “any” is used to modify the word “time” in sentences such as: I won’t have any time to work on the project until next week.

When do you use any time in a sentence?

It is also written as a two-word phrase when “any” is used to modify the word “time” in sentences such as: I won’t have any time to work on the project until next week. If you have any time available, I’d love to meet for lunch this week. “Any time,” written as two words, is always correct.