Should the trucks on a skateboard be loose?

Your trucks should be loose enough that you don’t need to tic-tac to get around obstacles while skating around. Skateboard trucks can be set tight or loose, depending on the rider’s preference. That being said, they should be tight enough that the kingpin won’t fall out and loose enough that the bushings don’t burst.

Why are my skateboard trucks so loose?

The amount they wobble right and left relates to how tight they are. Use a skate tool or other useful tool to tighten or loosen the big nut in the center of the truck. Turn it clockwise to tighten the trucks, getting tighter turning. Turn it counter-clockwise to loosen the trucks, getting a softer turning feel.

How loose are skateboard trucks supposed to be?

The trucks should be as loose as you feel comfortable when you’re first starting out. Be sure not to compress the bushings when adjusting your trucks. Once you’re comfortable with your board, loosen your trucks up a hair so that they feel slightly uncomfortable.

How do you know if your truck is too tight?

In most situations, tight trucks are a hinderance. They inhibit your ability to turn and make it difficult to line up on an obstacle. If you often find yourself having to press down on the tail when turning, it’s probably time to loosen the kingpin nut.

Can my trucks be too loose?

Loose trucks are not normally a danger, though tight trucks sometimes can be. The tighter the truck, the tighter the turning radius. So, tight trucks can leave you struggling to steer when you need to avoid something. Most skaters prefer their trucks somewhere between ridiculously tight or loose.

Are skateboards meant to be wobbly?

A wobbly skateboard isn’t a bad thing, some actually like to ride their trucks super loose. Beginners will have a harder time learning to ride a skateboard with loose trucks. After all, a more stable board will help you keep your balance. Just be sure to break bushings in and don’t tighten them until you squish them.

Why does my skateboard wobble when I go fast?

CJ: For starters, speed wobs can be caused by a number of different reasons. A common one being loose trucks. Loose trucks can give you too much turning ability, making your set up hyper-responsive for any speed over 10-20mph. If you’re going faster than that, then you just might want to tighten your trucks.

Is it easier to Ollie with tight trucks?

Higher ollies, better manuals and flip tricks with tight trucks. You can ollie considerably higher with tight trucks because you tail snaps quicker.

How do you loosen up a skateboard truck?

The process of loosening your trucks is similar to tightening them. If you want to loosen your trucks, you will need a skate tool or any other similar tool which help you loosen the big nut which you will find near the truck’s center on the back of your board. Just turn it anti-clockwise to loosen the trucks.

Which is better, a looser or tighter skateboard truck?

Looser trucks allow you to easily make turns and maneuver your skateboard. However, tighter trucks give better response while you’re doing tricks or making turns. This means you need to decide on the tightness of your trucks keeping in mind your usual skating path and your skating habits.

What are the trucks on a skateboard?

Trucks are the metal axles in the front and back of your board that hold the wheels on. [1] Skateboarding Instructor Expert Interview. 5 June 2020. They need to regularly be tightened, as they come loose over time. Properly tightened trucks make your board ride smoother and cleaner and helps tune the board to your turning style.

Where do the bolts go on a skateboard truck?

Take an adjustable wrench or a skate tool and get down to work. Five bolts attach the truck to the board. The main bolt goes right through the middle of each truck. And four smaller bolts connect the trucks’ baseplate to the deck. In most cases, you won’t need to touch the smaller bolts, unless you’ve decided to change the trucks.