What AFSC is manpower?

3S3X1 – Manpower – AFSC Description.

How many personnel are in an Air Force wing?

Within the NAFs are wings, each with 1,000 to 5,000 personnel. A wing may be an operational wing, an air-base wing or a specialized mission wing. An operational wing is often independent with all the support functions necessary to operate.

What is a unit personnel management roster?

Resource Management

Question Answer
A Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR) can simply be described as… (3-6) “Faces”
What is the purpose of the UPMR? (3-6) (1)Give the Unit Commander a tool to monitor unit manning (2)Control incoming & intra-unit assignments (3)Assist the MPS in position number management.

What is the unit manpower document?

Unit Manpower Document The UMD is a computer generated product listing the manpower authorizations for each work center in the organization. MPES The work centers are arrayed by Office Symbol Codes (OSC).

What does Manpower do in the Air Force?

Manpower managers determine the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements of active and reserve military forces. They determine how many and which capabilities are required to execute a mission and they manage allocation of military and civilian resources.

What are the levels in the Air Force?

Air Force Ranks: Airman (E-1 through E-4)

  • Airman (E-2)
  • Airman First Class (E-3)
  • Senior Airman (E-4)
  • Staff Sergeant (E-5)
  • Technical Sergeant (E-6)
  • Master Sergeant (E-7)
  • Senior Master Sergeant (E-8)
  • Chief Master Sergeant (E-9)

What is G series orders?

G-Series orders are used to announce and record command succession, unless precluded by military agencies. Commanders, including those appointed on a temporary basis, must be identified on G-Series orders to exercise the legal authority granted to them based on their role.

What is the Manpower Programming and Execution System Mpes and what records does it hold?

MPES is the official system of record of all Air Force manpower budget actions (manpower FYDP) and the authoritative data source for all Air Force manpower actions (UMD).

What does UMD stand for military?


Acronym Definition
UMD Unit Management Division
UMD Unmatched Disbursements
UMD Unit Movement Data
UMD Under Monitor Display

What is the manpower Programming and Execution System Mpes and what records does it hold?

What does the manpower and organization office do?

Force Support Squadron Manpower and Organization office is to be a center of expertise helping commanders at all levels make sound resource decisions to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of mission accomplishment.

Who is the Manpower Analysis Center ( NAVMAC )?

We define, translate, and classify the Navy’s work into a workforce structure and position demand signal to sustain a combat ready force. We lead the Navy in manpower solutions. You will find contact information on all departmental pages of NAVMAC’s website. You will also find command leadership contact information on the Contact Us page.

What are the competencies of a manpower specialist?

A Manpower Specialist performs core competencies in organization structure, manpower requirements determination, program allocation and control, and performance management.

How many people work in the OSD Cape?

The origins of the office date to 1961 with the establishment of the Office of Systems Analysis, which became the Office of Program Evaluation and Analysis in the mid-1970s. The CAPE staff consists of approximately 150 people, including both government civilians and military officers.