What are characteristics of postmodern literature?

Postmodern literature is a form of literature that is characterized by the use of metafiction, unreliable narration, self-reflexivity, intertextuality, and which often thematizes both historical and political issues.

How does post modernism Analyse literature?

In literature, postmodernism (relying heavily on fragmentation, deconstruction, playfulness, questionable narrators etc.) Postmodern literature can be considered as an umbrella term for the post-war developments in literature such as Theatre of the Absurd, Beat Generation and Magical Realism.

What is the difference between modern and postmodern literature?

Main Difference – Modernism vs Postmodernism The main difference between modernism and postmodernism is that modernism is characterized by the radical break from the traditional forms of prose and verse whereas postmodernism is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions.

What are some examples of postmodern literature?

Examples of Postmodern Literature

  • Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow.
  • Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities.
  • Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire.
  • David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest.
  • Don DeLillo’s White Noise.
  • Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho.
  • Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot.
  • Margret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

What are the characteristics of postmodernist literature that make it challenging to read?

Postmodern literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parody, paranoia, dark humor and authorial self-reference.

When did postmodern literature start?

The terms “postmodern” and “postmodernism” first of all referred to new departures in the arts, in literature, and in architecture that had their origins in the 1950s and early 1960s, gained momentum in the course of the 1960s, and became a dominant factor in the 1970s.

What is postmodern research?

Postmodernism is applied mainly in the artistic and social sciences. It consists of a loose alliance of intellectual perspectives which collectively pose a challenging critique of the fundamental premises on which modernism, specifically the scientific research method, is based.