What are examples of student portfolios?

Portfolios can be a physical collection of student work that includes materials such as written assignments, journal entries, completed tests, artwork, lab reports, physical projects (such as dioramas or models), and other material evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment, including awards, honors.

What are some examples of digital portfolios?

Some of the most used formats for student portfolios are blogs, online journals, digital archives, websites and notebooks.

What should be in a student e portfolio?

What to Include in your Eportfolio

  1. Welcome. Summarize who you are and a bit about what visitors will find in your eportfolio.
  2. Career objective/profile.
  3. Résumé
  4. Work samples.
  5. Study Abroad/ International Experience.
  6. Awards and honors.
  7. Additional education.
  8. Volunteer and extracurricular activities.

What is a portfolio for elementary students?

A portfolio is a folder of personal data on an individual. The folder is created by the student, provides an opportunity for students to select and examine work in progress, reflect upon projects and is organized to demonstrate students’ strengths and progress toward developmental or instructional goals.

How do you make a school portfolio examples?

What to Include in a Student Portfolio

  1. samples of work from each subject area – keep it simple.
  2. writing samples including plans and draft copies.
  3. open-ended tasks such as Mathematics Investigations.
  4. student self-reflection.
  5. photographs to capture positive learning experiences such as group work.
  6. goals and targets.

What is a student digital portfolio?

A digital portfolio is a collection of artifacts of learning that demonstrates growth, acquisition of skills or knowledge, and student creativity over time.

What are the examples of portfolio assessment?

Portfolio assessments ask students or teachers to collect work products that show growth over a specific period of time. Examples of work products include collections of student essays, artwork, lab reports or reading logs.

What should I include in my ePortfolio?

What should you put in your e-portfolio?

  1. Two paragraphs on your career goals and objectives.
  2. PDF or HTML versions of your résumé
  3. Contact information.
  4. At least two artifacts with descriptions that showcase your skills.
  5. Personal photograph.
  6. Information about awards and honors received.

What are the types of electronic portfolio?

Danielson and Abrutyn (1997) identified three main types of portfolios: working, showcase, and assessment. Working (also known as ‘process’ or ‘learning’) portfolios contain works in progress, track student learning over time, and may be temporary because students move on to either an assessment or showcase portfolio.

What are student digital portfolios?

A digital portfolio is a computer-based collection of student performance over time. Portfolios make classroom learning more accessible to parents, administrators, and other district support staff because they provide a window into student learning.

What should be included in an e portfolio?

E-Portfolio. An electronic porfolio (e-portfolio) is a purposeful collection of sample student work, demonstrations, and artifacts that showcase student’s learning progression, achievement, and evidence of what students can do. The collection can include essays and papers (text-based), blog, multimedia (recordings of demonstrations, interviews,

Are there any student ePortfolio examples on YouTube?

To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later. NOTE: All of the student examples were created by students who earned scholarships based on the work and effort demonstrated in their ePortfolios.

How are Voki characters used in the classroom?

“Voki is a great format to provide avatars for a variety of characters that can continually be used with training or in the classroom without having to have a particular person on camera.”. “Students are engaged in their learning when they are creating their own learning.

What is the purpose of an electronic porfolio?

An electronic porfolio (e-portfolio) is a purposeful collection of sample student work, demonstrations, and artifacts that showcase student’s learning progression, achievement, and evidence of what students can do.