What are Phyllodes?

Phyllodes (fil-oy-deez) tumors are a rare form of breast tumor; they can be benign (not cancerous), malignant (cancerous), or borderline (having characteristics of both). Phyllodes tumors account for fewer than 1% of all breast cancers.

What does Fibroepithelial mean?

A fibroepithelial neoplasm (or tumor) is a biphasic tumor. They consist of epithelial tissue, and stromal or mesenchymal tissue. They may be benign or malignant.

Are all phyllodes tumor cancerous?

Phyllodes tumors are most common in women in their 40s, but women of any age can have them. Women with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (a rare, inherited genetic condition) have an increased risk for phyllodes tumors. Most phyllodes tumors are benign (not cancer), but about 1 out of 4 of these tumors are malignant (cancer).

What is Cystosarcoma?

Clinically, cystosarcoma is a large (usually 3-5 cm in diameter) painless tumor with sudden growth acceleration especially during pregnancy. Cystosarcoma is usually circumscribed, containing firm and soft areas.

What is giant fibroadenoma?

Abstract. Introduction: Giant fibroadenoma (GFA) of the breast is defined as fibroadenoma larger than 5 cm, usually presenting unilaterally and manifesting as breast asymmetry or deformity of the breast.

Do fibroadenomas hurt?

Usually, fibroadenomas are not painful. However, they can be uncomfortable or very sensitive to touch. Often women find that their fibroadenoma gets tender in the days before their period. Pushing or prodding at the lump can also make it tender.

What is a breast lesion?

Lesions occur due to any disease or injury. They are an abnormal change in a tissue or organ. Benign breast lesions grow in non-cancerous areas where breast cells grow abnormally and rapidly. These cells form lumps but do not lead to cancer.

What is Alesion?

A lesion is any damage or abnormal change in the tissue of an organism, usually caused by disease or trauma.

What is Cystosarcoma phyllodes of the breast?

Phyllodes tumor—once more commonly referred to as cystosarcoma phyllodes (from Greek kystis [“sac, bladder”], sarkoma [“fleshy tumor”], and phyllon [“leaf”])—is a rare, predominantly benign tumor that occurs almost exclusively in the female breast.

Can fibroadenoma grow quickly?

In addition to simple fibroadenomas, there are: Complex fibroadenomas. These can contain changes, such as an overgrowth of cells (hyperplasia) that can grow rapidly. A pathologist makes the diagnosis of a complex fibroadenoma after reviewing the tissue from a biopsy.

Where does pilonidal disease occur on the body?

Pilonidal disease is an infection the crease of a person’s buttocks, from the bottom of the spine to the anus.

Who is most at risk for a pilonidal cyst?

Pilonidal cysts most commonly occur in young men, and the problem has a tendency to recur. People who sit for prolonged periods of time, such as truck drivers, are at higher risk of developing a pilonidal cyst. When it’s infected, a pilonidal cyst becomes a swollen mass (abscess). Signs and symptoms of an infected pilonidal cyst include:

What does pilonidal cyst mean in medical terms?

Most doctors think that ingrown hairs are the reason for many of them. Pilonidal means “nest of hair,” and doctors sometimes find hair follicles inside the cyst. Another theory is that pilonidal cysts appear after a trauma to that region of your body.

How much does a Pilea peperomioides cost?

It’s usual to find them in baby or juvenile form as this is when they’re arguably the most attractive and the sellers find it easier to sell them on. Ideally you don’t want to be spending more than around $15 on a baby plant, however if there’s a Pilea drought in your local area you might have to shop further afield or look online.