What are repressors in psychology?

(1979) definition typically divides individuals into four groups: Repressors (low anxiety–high defensiveness); low anxious (low anxiety–low defensiveness), high anxious (high anxiety–low defensiveness), and defensive high anxious (high anxiety–high defensiveness).

Is repressive coping healthy?

Importantly, there is a body of evidence linking repressive coping and poor physical health, including heart disease and cancer. However, some preliminary findings suggest that repressors compared to non-repressors may be better at health behaviors that they perceive as under their personal control.

What is an example of repressive coping?

Repressive coping is a strategy of self-protection that involves dismissing or ignoring strong emotions. People who use repression as a means of coping often do so out of self-defense and tend to experience the same negative emotional symptoms as those who struggle with anxiety.

What is repression in psychology example?

Repression is a psychological defense mechanism in which unpleasant thoughts or memories are pushed from the conscious mind. An example might be someone who does not recall abuse in their early childhood, but still has problems with connection, aggression and anxiety resulting from the unremembered trauma.

What type of mental mechanism is repression?

Repression is a defense mechanism whereby unpleasure-provoking mental processes, such as morally disagreeable impulses and painful memories, are actively prevented from entering conscious awareness.

What is repressive defensiveness?

Repressive-defensiveness was operationalized as self-reported low distress coupled with high defensiveness or restraint. Self-report data reflecting trait anxiety, defensiveness, and personality style were used to classify children as repressive-defensive by two independent methods.

What is a repressed personality?

Repression usually refers to the tendency to avoid uncomfortable feelings. You unconsciously push painful feelings, thoughts, or memories out of your consciousness. This lets you forget them. You may do this for fear of damaging your positive self-image. These are unprocessed emotions.