What are some catchy company slogans?

The top advertising slogans of all time are:

  • Nike – Just Do It.
  • Apple – Think Different.
  • Wendy’s – Where’s the Beef?
  • Coca-Cola – Open Happiness.
  • L’Oreal – Because You’re Worth It.
  • M&Ms – Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands.
  • De Beers – A Diamond is Forever.
  • Wheaties – The Breakfast of Champions.

What is Nokia slogan?

‘Connecting people’ could be an old slogan of Nokia, but the company is still following the spirit of the tagline in its branding and marketing perspectives.

What company has the slogan zoom zoom?

Mazda Motor Corp.
Fifteen years after coining the slogan “Zoom Zoom” to pitch its cars to customers who see driving as a pleasure and not a chore, Mazda Motor Corp. is hoping to refine its fun-to-drive message by launching its biggest U.S. marketing campaign in two years under a new tagline: “Driving Matters.”

What is a brand tagline?

In the context of branding, a tagline is a memorable motto or phrase that’s designed to serve as a permanent expression of your company’s greater purpose and mission.

What is Ford short for?


Acronym Definition
FORD Fix or Repair Daily (car slang)
FORD First on Race Day
FORD Forward Industries, Inc (stock symbol)
FORD Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams (small talk technique)

What is Panasonic slogan?

A Better Life, A Better World
Panasonic’s brand slogan “A Better Life, A Better World” aims to concisely express our Basic Management Objective in the modern era established by founder Konosuke Matsushita.

What is the slogan of Nokia?

Connecting People
At Nokia, “Connecting People” is more than a tagline. It’s a mission statement that has guided almost everything we’ve done for over 20 years.

What is Lowes old slogan?

Do it right for less
In 2011, the company adopted the slogan “Never Stop Improving”; this would be replaced with “Do it right for less.

What are some of the catchy car slogans?

A list of 250 catchy and popular car slogans. These taglines are focused on advertising the style and speed of automobiles in the marketplace. A burning passion for excellence. A car for everyone. A Class Of Its Own. A different kind of company. A different kind of car. Above and Beyond. Accelerating the Future. All About the Drive.

What are the slogans for auto detailing companies?

The following listing of auto detailing company slogans are from currently from existing businesses around the United States and will help to inspire your own advertising tagline. A clean car says a lot about you. A dirty car is a dirty shame. A great car wash. A great place to wash your car! Art on wheels. Because every detail counts.

Why do car manufacturers use slogans for their products?

Car manufacturing brands use car slogans to increase or boost their sales. These slogans or taglines help in attracting customers and brand building. Moreover, it helps them to distinguish from other car manufacturing brands.

What does a clean car say about you?

A clean car says a lot about you. A dirty car is a dirty shame. A great car wash. A great place to wash your car! Art on wheels. Because every detail counts. Because we know how much you love your car. Bringing back that new car feeling. Caring for your car and the environment. Cars deserve better.