What are some safety tips for flaggers?

CPWR notes that flaggers should wear high-visibility clothing….Don’t:

  1. Stand within a lane of open traffic.
  2. Use hand signals that conflict with traffic signals.
  3. React to aggressive drivers.
  4. Stand in the shade, around a sharp curve or over the crest of a hill.
  5. Listen to music or use earphones.
  6. Turn your back to traffic.

What is traffic flagging?

To control the flow of traffic, flaggers must erect warning signs and position traffic cones and barricades to guide drivers through the traffic flow. They are responsible for informing the construction crew of any issues that may affect their safety.

How should a flagger stand to stop traffic?

The flagger should stand on the shoulder next to the traffic being controlled. A flagger may only stand in the lane being used by moving traffic after traffic has stopped.

Do flaggers have to wear hard hats?

Hard hats – Flaggers must wear a hard hat at all times. Other workers are required to wear a hard hat when performing certain work activities or when required by the supervisor to do so. Basically, there is no specific requirement for a hard hat within a roadway environment.

Can flaggers listen to music?

Flagger Don’ts: Avoid distracting activities such as reading, day dreaming or talking with co-workers. Do not listen to music. Never turn your back to oncoming traffic. Stay a safe distance away from construction equipment.

Do flaggers need to be certified?

California requires flaggers to be trained, but they do not require them to be certified. For more information, see California MUTCD, Section 6E. 01 Qualifications for Flaggers. From CDOT Construction Manual: “630.2.

What are the duties of a flagger?

Flaggers are typically employed by government agencies, or construction companies to control the flow of traffic around road construction sites. They erect warning and detour signs, position traffic cones and barricades, and inform the construction crew of any safety hazards.

When flaggers are used to direct traffic?

A flagger may be used to control one direction of traffic under special conditions, such as when work vehicles are entering or departing the work area. Uses the free arm to motion traffic to proceed. Except in emergency situations, flagger stations must be illuminated at night.

Can flaggers wear sunglasses?

All Flagger Force employees are required to wear ANSI rated Z87 eye protection when on a job site. In fact, safety glasses are tested for impact and durability — offering higher standards for both frames and lenses. For those who need to wear eyeglasses, larger Z87 eyewear that can be worn over them.

How many questions is the flaggers test?

108 questions about working at Flagger Force Traffic Control Services.

What do you need to know about flagger safety?

Flagger Safety Flaggers keep motorists and road workers safe during temporary roadwork by following the safe work practices and training requirements from OSHA and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

What are the requirements for a highway flagger?

Any individual who is stationed in a state highway work zone to provide temporary traffic control shall have completed training and be certified by a program that meets the training and certification standards of the national safety council highway flagger training program, the American traffic safety services association flagger […] more…

What should you do when flagging in traffic?

Face traffic and stand off to the side on the shoulder or in the closed lane of traffic to avoid moving vehicles. Don’t enter the open roadway until traffic has stopped. Don’t multi-task while you are flagging. A split second awareness and emergency response on your part can save lives.

Where does a flagger stand in the traffic lane?

If it’s necessary for the flagger to stand in the traffic lane, the flagger may only stand near the center line and never cross it. When the flagger is satisfied that the drivers of all stopped vehicles are aware of his or her presence, the flagger should return to the shoulder of the road.