What are the 3 questions Allah will ask?

A righteous believer will respond correctly, saying that their Lord is Allah, that Muhammad is their prophet and that their religion is Islam….Nakir and Munkar prop the deceased soul upright in the grave and ask three questions:

  • Who is your Lord?
  • What is your religion?
  • Who is your prophet?

What question will be asked on the day of Judgement?

So ask yourself these 5 questions. (1) How Have I Lived My Life on Earth (In the name of Allah or for my own selfish pursuits?) (3) How Have I Earned My Wealth (on the fruits of my labor or through taking advantage of others?) (4) How Have I Spent My Wealth (helping others or selfish pleasures?)

What will Allah do on Judgement day?

Muslims believe that on a day decided by Allah , and known only to Allah, life on Earth will come to an end and Allah will destroy everything. On this day all the people who have ever lived will be raised from the dead and will face judgement by Allah.

How do I get into Jannah?

There are many verses and hadith about the characteristic and quality of a person that will be allowed to enter Jannah:

  1. The Righteous Will Enter Jannah.
  2. Do Not Associate Partners, Give Charity, Keep Good Relations.
  3. Become A Erudite (Seeker of Knowledge)
  4. Visiting The Sick.

How do I make sure Dua is accepted?

Etiquettes of your dua:

  1. Start off with salawat on the prophet saw (Allahummasalli…)
  2. Use Allah’s beautiful names to call Him.
  3. Praise Allah as He deserves.
  4. Face the qiblah.
  5. Raise your hands into the position of making dua.
  6. Have faith that your dua will be accepted and Allah will respond one way or another.

Can I pray at home?

In the Hadith we have quoted, and in several others, the Prophet encourages offering some prayers at home. Taken together these Hadiths appear to encourage that we offer the recommended and voluntary prayers at home, leaving the obligatory ones to offer in the mosque with the congregation.