What are the 3 rules of the Bechdel test?

The Bechdel Test, originally inspired by a 1985 installment of Alison Bechdel’s comic Dykes to Watch Out For, features a character with three basic requirements for a movie: it has to have at least two women in it, they have to talk to each other, and they have to discuss something besides a man.

What does the Bechdel test?

The Bechdel test aims to bring attention to and address gender inequality in media. It was created in 1985 by its namesake, cartoonist Alison Bechdel, and her friend Liz Wallace, hence it sometimes is called the Bechdel-Wallace test.

How many Bechdel tests are there?

There are currently 9314 movies listed. Some stats and graphs are available. Be sure to check out Ten graphics on the Bechdel test on Reddit for more graphs.

Why the Bechdel test is bad?

The Bechdel Test is also unfriendly to films about relationships, which is a great many of them. Any film that depicts a heterosexual relationship will almost always fail the test, because in such films, the characters usually spend the most time with each other or talking about each other.

Does Jane Austen pass the reverse Bechdel Test?

Her reply: “Fun fact: Jane Austen is one of the very few authors whose works do not pass the reverse Bechdel test. Meaning that there is no scene in any of her books in which two men talk to each other about something other than a woman.

Does Moana pass the Bechdel Test?

Moana is the chief’s daughter, and it goes without saying that she will take over from him. Moana passes the Bechdel test many times over! In one of the most poignant scenes of the movie, Moana is about to give up. She tells the ocean to choose someone else, and picks up the oars of her boat in order to go home.

Does Jurassic Park Pass Bechdel Test?

Importantly, Jurassic Park does pass the Bechdel test. This three-part test — used to draw attention to sexism in movies — asks whether there are at least two named female characters who talk to each other, about something other than a man.

Does Moana pass Bechdel Test?

Moana is the chief’s daughter, and it goes without saying that she will take over from him. Moana passes the Bechdel test many times over! The ocean chooses Moana to save her island, but that is not the reason for her self-conviction. In one of the most poignant scenes of the movie, Moana is about to give up.

Why the Bechdel Test is bad?