What are the columns in the 1820 census?

The columns for un-naturalized foreigners, people engaged in agriculture, people engaged in commerce, and people engaged in manufacturing were also special columns. The census enumerators were also given instructions to count each individual person in only one of the three available occupation columns.

What was the population of the US in 1810?

POP Culture: 1810

The 1810 Census 10 Largest Urban Places
U.S. Resident Population: 7,239,881 Population
Population per square mile of land area: 4.3 96,373
Percent increase of population from 1800 to 1810: 36.4 53,722
Official Enumeration Date: August 6 46,555

Where are census records kept UK?

The National Archives
Although the original census schedules were destroyed many years ago, the books were kept and eventually moved to the PRO Kew (now known as The National Archives).

How many American slaves lived in 1820 apex?

Black and slave population of the United States from 1790 to 1880

Characteristic Total Total Slaves
1820 1,771,656 1,538,022
1810 1,377,808 1,191,362
1800 1,002,037 893,602
1790 757,208 697,681

How many slaves were there in the United States in 1810?

There were almost 700 thousand slaves in the US in 1790, which equated to approximately 18 percent of the total population, or roughly one in every six people….Black and slave population of the United States from 1790 to 1880.

Characteristic 1810
Total 1,377,808
Total Slaves 1,191,362
Total Free 186,446