What are the elements of operational design?

The lesson also covers the elements of operational design including termination, military end state, objectives, effects, center of gravity, decisive points, lines of operation and lines of effort, direct and indirect approach, anticipation, operational reach, culmination, arranging operations, and forces and functions …

What defines operational design?

operational design. The conception and construction of the framework that underpins a campaign or major operation plan and its subsequent execution.

What is the purpose of the elements of operational design?

OPERATIONAL DESIGN METHODOLOGY Design provides an ordered way to create the conceptual framework of a plan. Strategists and planners can then use the joint planning process (JPP) to create detailed subordinate plans and orders.

What is operational design in research?

 Operational design: this deals with the methods by which the procedures specified in the sample, observational and statistical designs can be. 6. Need of Research Design  It facilitates smooth sailing of various research operation.

What is the difference between line of operation and line of effort?

The change makes lines of operation, which are now strictly geographic designations, distinct from the conceptual line of effort, which “links multiple tasks and missions using the logic of purpose—cause and effect—to focus efforts toward establishing operational and strategic conditions.”

What is military operational art?

Operational art is defined today in joint doctrine as: The employment of military. forces to attain strategic and/or operational objectives through the design, organization, integration, and conduct of campaigns, major operations, and battles.

What is operational line?

line of operations. 1. A logical line that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in time and purpose with an objective(s). 2.

What is operational art and design?

Operational art is the use of military forces to achieve strategic goals through the design, organisation, integration, and conduct of strategies, campaigns and battles. It requires broad vision, the ability to anticipate, and effective joint and often multinational cooperation.

Which is an important element of operational design?

Strategic/Operational Direction (Axis): An important element of a design for a campaign or major operation is a direction or axis—a swath of physical space of a certain length, width, and depth extending from one’s base of operations to the ultimate physical objective via selected intermediate points.

What are the elements of the operational art?

These elements are: 1 End state and conditions 2 Center of gravity 3 Decisive points 4 Lines of operations and lines of effort 5 Operational reach 6 Basing 7 Tempo 8 Phasing and transitions 9 Culmination 10 Risk More

What makes an operational design a campaign plan?

A plan for a campaign or major operation should be prepared by considering a relatively large number of interrelated elements that collectively ensure a firm focus on the ultimate objective. Operational design is not a campaign plan or a plan for a major operation.

How does design differ from a major operation?

Because of the much larger scope of the objective to be accomplished and the corresponding differences in the factors of space, time, and force, the main elements of design for a campaign differ qualitatively from those for a major operation (see Figures 13 and 14 Ultimate Objective