What are the events of Passion Week?

Holy Week Timeline: From Palm Sunday to the Resurrection

  • Day 1: Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday.
  • Day 2: On Monday, Jesus Clears the Temple.
  • Day 3: On Tuesday, Jesus Goes to the Mount of Olives.
  • Day 4: Holy Wednesday.
  • Day 5: Passover and Last Supper on Maundy Thursday.

What are the main events of Holy Week?

What is Holy Week?

  • Palm Sunday – entrance into Jerusalem.
  • Holy Wednesday – into the darkness.
  • Maundy Thursday – the Last Supper.
  • Good Friday – Jesus’ agony on the cross.
  • Holy Saturday – visiting the tomb of Jesus.

How do you celebrate Holy Week at home?

One common practice in homes is to have a domestic prayer altar with a simple cloth, a crucifix or other sacred images, or a candle. Other items can be kept there as well, such as rosaries, the Bible or holy water. Other decorations related more directly to the day being celebrated are recommended as well.

How do you celebrate Holy Week?

Rejoice on Easter Sunday. Choose to attend a sunrise service to watch the new day begin or attend church with other Christians. Celebrate with family and friends by sharing an Easter meal. Watch a movie or program that emphasizes the life of Jesus and his resurrection.

What is the meaning of Easter Monday?

What is Easter Monday? Easter Monday holds religious significance for Christians, as it follows Easter Sunday, the day Jesus Christ was resurrected following his crucifixion on Good Friday. For some it’s a more solemn remembrance of Christ’s death and subsequent resurrection, which is marked with an outdoor procession.

How do you observe the Easter season?

Traditions. Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and ringing of church bells. In addition to Easter’s religious significance, it also has a commercial side.

How do you explain Holy Week?

Holy Week, in the Christian church, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ. In the Greek and Roman liturgical books, it is called the Great Week because great deeds were done by God during this week.

Why is Holy Week called Passion Week?

The first records of the term Passion Week come from the 1300s. In this context, the word Passion is used to refer to the period of trials and suffering that Jesus experienced before his death, or the biblical account of these events. The word Passion is used in the same way in the term Passion Play.

How do we celebrate Holy Week?

Choose to attend a sunrise service to watch the new day begin or attend church with other Christians. Celebrate with family and friends by sharing an Easter meal. Watch a movie or program that emphasizes the life of Jesus and his resurrection.

How is Jesus Passion Week related to the Bible?

This Passion Week Timeline attempts to show how some of the events of this time period are related. Much of the focus of the entire Bible is on what Jesus either would do, or did, during this Holy Week. Even though this timeline may seem small, what happens during this week is of utmost importance to each person on earth.

What to do on Wednesday of the Passion Week?

The Wednesday of the Passion Week has very little reading. Consider using that day to either catch up on missed reading, or read ahead for Thursday, or both. There is a lot of material to read on Thursday.

Why was the Passion of the Christ made?

The popular movie, The Passion of the Christ, has given many of us a better idea of what Jesus must have gone through during this Holy Week. Of course a movie like this was created with the intent of making money, but it also helps us think and ask questions. (Follow the links below and you may find the Bible’s answer to many of these questions.)