What are the examples of avoir in French?

Here are some more examples of avoir at work:

  • J’ai un livre. Or in English: I have a book.
  • Tu as une carte. Or: You have a map.
  • Elle a les chapeaux. She has the hats.
  • Nous avons du lait. We have milk.
  • Vous avez une question. You have a question.
  • Ils ont le tableau. They have the painting.

How do you use avoir in a sentence in French?

One of the most common verbs in French is avoir, which means to have….

  1. J’ai envie d’une pizza. I want a pizza.
  2. J’ai envie de manger une pizza. I want to eat a pizza.
  3. J’ai envie de parler avec mon ami. I want to speak with my friend.
  4. J’ai envie d’apprendre le Français. I want to learn French.

How do you use avoir in a sentence?

Have a listen to these examples:

  1. J’ai un chien. I have a dog.
  2. Tu as une sœur. You have a sister.
  3. Il a les yeux bleus. He has blue eyes.
  4. Nous avons deux chats. We have two cats.
  5. Vous avez les mêmes yeux. You have the same eyes.
  6. Ils ont un bébé. They have a baby.

How do you use the verb avoir in French?

Avoir as a verb

  1. You replace a direct object by an object pronoun. For example: Elle a acheté la robe (She bought the dress) – no agreement. Elle l’a achetée. (She bought it.)
  2. If you describe something with que followed by another clause. For example: J’ai lu une histoire fascinante. (I read a fascinating story.)

How do you use avoir expressions?

Here are some avoir expressions you should know:

  1. avoir l’air (to appear)
  2. avoir . . . ans (to be . . . years old)
  3. avoir besoin de (to need)
  4. avoir de la chance (to be lucky)
  5. avoir la chance de (to be lucky to)
  6. avoir chaud (to be hot)
  7. avoir envie (to feel like)
  8. avoir faim (to be hungry)

What is the correct form of avoir?

Verb tables: Avoir

Person Present (I have) Imperfect (I had / was having)
1st Singular. j’ai j’avais
2nd Singular tu as tu avais
3rd Singular il / elle / on a il (..) avait
1st plural nous avons nous avions

What is the avoir?

Avoir (to have) is a very useful verb and is used whenever we would say ‘have’ in English. It ‎is also used to form other tenses, such as the passé composé (the perfect tense).

What is avoir in present tense French?

What group is avoir?

Auxiliary verbs. There are two auxiliary verbs in French: avoir (to have) and être (to be), used to conjugate compound tenses according to these rules: Transitive verbs (direct or indirect) in the active voice are conjugated with the verb avoir.