What are the first signs of West Nile virus?

Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Body aches.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Skin rash.

How long does mild West Nile virus last?

Your body has to fight the infection on its own. In mild cases of West Nile, symptoms usually last for 3 to 6 days, and you can recover at home. If you get a more severe case of West Nile, symptoms can last for weeks or months, and you may need to stay in the hospital so you can get medicine to help you recover.

What are West Nile symptoms?

Symptoms of severe illness include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis.

What does the West Nile rash look like?

The rash of WNV is similar to many other viral rashes in that it can be nonspecific in nature. WNV rash typically consists of small pink spots – some raised and some flat – symmetrically distributed on the arms, legs, and trunk. It has been described as looking very much like roseola or measles.

Is West Nile curable?

Because it’s a viral condition, West Nile virus doesn’t have a cure. But you can take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, to relieve symptoms of West Nile virus such as muscle aches and headaches.

What should I do if I have West Nile virus?

No vaccine or specific medicines are available for West Nile virus infection. In severe cases, patients often need to be hospitalized to receive supportive treatment, such as intravenous fluids, pain medication, and nursing care.

How does the West Nile virus get to people?

It is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. Cases of WNV occur during mosquito season, which starts in the summer and continues through fall. There are no vaccines to prevent or medications to treat WNV in people.

How are dead birds tested for West Nile virus?

Reporting and testing of dead birds is one way to check for the presence of West Nile virus in the environment. Some surveillance programs rely on citizens to report dead bird sightings to local authorities. How do birds get infected with West Nile virus?

Are there any over the counter treatments for West Nile virus?

Your healthcare provider can order tests to look for West Nile virus infection. To learn more about testing, visit our Healthcare Providers page. No vaccine or specific antiviral treatments for West Nile virus infection are available. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to reduce fever and relieve some symptoms

When to see a doctor for West Nile?

Signs and symptoms of West Nile fever usually last a few days, but signs and symptoms of encephalitis or meningitis can linger for weeks or months. Certain neurological effects, such as muscle weakness, can be permanent. When to see a doctor. Mild symptoms of West Nile fever usually resolve on their own.