What are the parameters of spot welding?

Spot welding parameters include: Electrode force. Diameter of the electrode contact surface. Squeeze time.

Can stainless steel be spot welded?

Spot welding is a popular way of joining two sheets of thin metal, such as stainless steel. The sheets are placed between the two welding electrodes, to which pressure is applied. Copper-cobalt-beryllium electrodes have an optimal tensile strength and electrical conductivity for welding stainless steel.

What are the four main process parameters of the resistance spot welding process?

process parameters liNe welding current, time and pressure are closely controlled to obtain superior weld quality. a study is carried out by varying electrode force, welding current, welding time and electrode diameter to achieve good quality weld.

What thickness metal is spot welding ideal for?

Spot welding is primarily used for joining parts that are normally up to 3 mm in thickness. Thickness of the parts to be welded should be equal or the ratio of thickness should be less than 3:1.

What type of welding is used for stainless steel?

gas tungsten arc welding
Stainless steel can be welded with shielded metal arc welding (MIG), gas tungsten arc welding (TIG) and stick welding, and each of these processes will yield a slightly different result.

What is the maximum temperature of weld zone in spot welding?

2550 Degree F.
Welding current and time are used to bring the metal to welding temperature (2550 Degree F.).

How far apart should spot welds be?

Spot Weld Spacing It is recommended that distance between two spot welds should be a minimum of 10 times the material thickness.

What are the stages of spot welding?

The diameter ranges from 100 to 800 μm depending on the beam diameter, the material, and the laser power. The spot welding process can be divided into four phases: heating, melting, melt flow dynamics, and cooling. Depending on the intensity, evaporation of material may occur.

How does Spot welding work?

Spot welding works through conductive heating, which is created by an electrical current. Classic spot welding positions two copper alloy electrodes, which hold the two pieces of metal together. The electrical current flows through the electrodes, creating concentrated heat to melt the metal.

What should the weld temperature be for spot welding?

Weld time and/or weld power need to be increased to spot weld galvanized steel. Welding of steel is done at 2550 degrees F. When MIG welding galvanized steel, the weld puddle is 2550 degrees F.

Do you need a welder to spot weld stainless steel?

SPOT WELDER REQUIREMENTS Austenitic Stainless Steels have very low resistance compared to ferrous steel and so need more powerful welders to weld the same size nugget as in ferrous steel. They are also very hard and therefore for resistance spot welding require greater pressure settings compared to ferrous steels.

Which is the best parameter for resistance spot welding?

Optimum specimen has higher width and depth than experimental specimen. Based on Taguchi analysis, the best combination of parameters is Current (5.0 kA), Weld Time (3.0 cycle) and Pressure (40 psi). The rank of parameter affected the resistance spot welding experiment is Current, Pressure and Weld Time respectively.

How is the diameter of a spot weld determined?

Diameter of the electrode contact surface. One general criterion of resistance spot-welding is that the weld shall have a nugget diameter of 5*t1/2, t being the thickness of the steel sheet. Thus, a spot weld made in two sheets, each 1 mm in thickness, would generate a nugget 5 mm in diameter according to the 5*t -rule.