What are the ranks in the Irish Guards?

In April 1880, rank badges were moved from collar to shoulder and officers of all regiments wore the following rank badges.

  • Colonel: Crown and two Bath stars.
  • Lieutenant Colonel: Crown and one Bath star.
  • Major: Crown.
  • Captain: Two Bath stars.
  • Lieutenant: One Bath star.
  • Second Lieutenant: No device.

Do you have to be Irish to be in the Irish Guards?

Our People. As the name suggests, many soldiers in the Irish Guards are drawn from Northern Ireland and the Republic – but you don’t need to be Irish to be an Irish Guard. Whether they’re from Belfast or Brixton, all are united by a proud history of loyal service and a sporting heritage.

What is the Irish Guards motto?

Quis Separabit
Motto. The regiment takes its motto, “Quis Separabit”, or “Who shall separate us?” from the Order of St Patrick.

How can you tell the difference between a Guards regiment?

From a distance they appear identical, but there are ways to distinguish between the regiments:

  1. The colour of the plume, and which side of the bearskin it is worn on.
  2. The spacing of the tunic buttons.
  3. The badge worn on the collar.
  4. The badge worn on the shoulder.

How many Irish regiments are in the British army?

two Irish regiments
The British army still has two Irish regiments: a newly constituted Royal Irish Regiment – formed in 1992 by amalgamating various units – which is headquartered in Northern Ireland and whose colonel-in-chief is the Duke of York; and the Irish Guards, founded in 1900, headquartered in England and known affectionately as …

Is there a height requirement for the Irish Guards?

‘The height requirement has been brought down to 5′ 10″, but traditionally, if you were in the Queen’s Company within the Grenadier Guards, you had to be 6’ 2″ or over.

Where are the Irish Guards moving to?

The Irish Guards, affectionately known as ‘the Micks’, are moving to a new home in Aldershot, home of the British Army, while the barracks, acquired by Hounslow Council will be developed as a sustainable living project which will include new homes and green spaces.

Did the Irish Guards serve in the Falklands?

The Irish Guards returned to the BAOR in February 1982, just missing the Falklands War which was instead participated in by the Scots Guards and Welsh Guards. In 1986, the regiment returned home from Germany and received new colours two years later from Queen Elizabeth.

Which regiments guard the Queen?

Five regiments of the British Army form the Queen’s Foot Guards

  • The Grenadier Guards.
  • The Coldstream Guards.
  • The Scots Guards.
  • The Irish Guards.
  • The Welsh Guards.

What are the 5 Guards regiments?

The five Regiments of Foot Guards are the Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots Guards, the Irish Guards and the Welsh Guards.

What is the cap badge of the Irish Guards?

The cap badge of the Irish Guards is the eight pointed star of the ‘Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick’. In the centre is a shamrock embossed on each of its three leaves is the State Imperial Crown of Ireland. Behind the shamrock is the cross of St. Patrick.

What kind of dog is the Irish Guard?

The Irish Guards adopted a thoroughbred Irish Wolfhound as their mascot for the parade and one has been used for special parades ever since, wearing a specially embroidered coat of livery for such occasions. The cap badge of the Irish Guards is the eight pointed star of the ‘Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick’.

Who was the first colonel of the Irish Guards?

The Irish Guards’ first honorary Colonel was the Anglo-Irish, Indian born Field Marshal Lord Frederick Roberts, widely known to the troopers as ‘Bobs’; and it was because of this that the regiment got its first nickname of ‘Bob’s Own’, although they were (and still are) affectionately known as ‘the Micks’.

Who is the serial number 1 in the Irish Guards?

The holder of the Irish Guards’ regimental serial number ‘1’ was Colour Sergeant Conroy who was transferred into the regiment from the Royal Munster Fusiliers, and it was his job to to form the new unit.