What are the similarities and difference between related literature and related studies?

Related literature are often from journalist or any officials whereas the opinions and facts presented matters and can affect the masses’ opinion and thinking. Related Studies are from researchers or from official public offices, and thesis from different universities and libraries.

What is RRS and RRL?

RRL means that you must read a poem or piece of literature and express your opinion of it after studying it intensely. RSS means you have to able to provide your Resource Reporting System. You have to be able to provide the various sources you have examined for your response or answer. 1.7K views.

How can I write related literature and studies?

Step 1: Review APA guidelines. Step 2: Decide on a topic. Step 3: Identify the literature that you will review: Step 4: Analyze the literature. Step 5: Summarize the literature in table or concept map format. Step 6: Synthesize the literature prior to writing your review. Step 7: Writing the review (Galvan, 2006: 81-90)

What are related studies and related literature?

Answer: A review of related literature (RRL) is a detailed review of existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL, you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your topic.