What are those silver trays called?

A salver is a flat heavy tray of silver, other metal or glass used for carrying or serving glasses, cups, and dishes at a table, or for the presenting of a letter or card by a servant.

What is a silver tray worth?

For a tray that is pure silver (at least 92.5% silver), the price per Troy ounce is around $16.00 as of March 2018.

What are silver trays used for?

Such trays are often made of silver and may be used to serve drinks.

Can silver trays be melted down?

Silver serving trays can be worth a fair amount of money melted down but you need to make sure your materials are in fact sterling. Silver tableware pieces that we will be able to refine are usually marked or hallmarked with one of the following markings: Sterling. .

Is silver plated trays worth anything?

Silver is a valuable metal that has a long-lasting intrinsic value. Therefore, you can melt it down and sell it depending on the metal market. On the contrary, silver-plated items are only worth what the buyer has to offer. Unlike silver that has a melting value, silverplate doesn’t.

Are old silver plated trays worth anything?

Since there is only a small amount of silver on each item, there is no melting value for silverplate. Pieces that are more decorative, rare, and in good condition might sell for more money. Silverplate value is more about the antique market than it is about the metal market.

Are tarnished silver trays worth anything?

Antique Sterling Silver Trays are not only beautiful and a classic accessory to your home, but they can actually be very valuable at auction. If your tray doesn’t have handles, you may have what is called a Salver, which are very rare as most of them perished in the English Civil War.

What can I do with old silver trays?

Use silver plates as trays and saucers for layering in your decor. Make a new creation with it for originality. Display it on a buffet or table for simple elegance, it makes a statement on it’s own! Collect silver trays to use as chargers on your dinner table.

Are silver plated trays worth anything?

Is a real silver tray heavy?

Unlike Sterling Silver Tea Pots, which are generally very thin, Antique Silver Trays have the potential of being relatively heavy which increases their Silver Value.