What are three facts about Great Zimbabwe?

It covered an area of 722 hectares (1,780 acres) which might have housed up to 18,000 people. It was a royal city for the Zimbabwean monarch. One of its most prominent features were its walls, some of which were over five metres high and which were constructed without mortar….Great Zimbabwe facts for kids.

Inscription 1986 (10th Session)

What are 5 facts about Zimbabwe?


  • Independence.
  • Victoria Falls, the world’s largest waterfall.
  • We have the world’s biggest man-made lake.
  • King Solomon’s gold mines.
  • Zimbabwe is a top producer of Tabaco.
  • We love the Flame Lilly.
  • Large Elephant population.
  • What is Great Zimbabwe known for?

    Great Zimbabwe was a medieval African city known for its large circular wall and tower. It was part of a wealthy African trading empire that controlled much of the East African coast from the 11th to the 15th centuries C.E.

    Who ruled the Great Zimbabwe?

    The Kingdom of Zimbabwe (c. 1220–1450) was a medieval Shona (Karanga) kingdom located in modern-day Zimbabwe. Its capital, Lusvingo, now called Great Zimbabwe, is the largest stone structure in precolonial Southern Africa….Succeeded by.

    Leopard’s Kopje c. 900–c. 1075
    Mutapa Kingdom c. 1450–1760

    How did Great Zimbabwe fall?

    Causes suggested for the decline and ultimate abandonment of the city of Great Zimbabwe have included a decline in trade compared to sites further north, the exhaustion of the gold mines, political instability, and famine and water shortages induced by climatic change.

    What symbol of Great Zimbabwe is featured on the Zimbabwean flag today?

    The golden bird, known as the “Great Zimbabwe Bird” (Hungwe) is the national symbol of Zimbabwe and is most likely a representation of the African fish eagle.

    How many languages are spoken in Zimbabwe?

    16 official languages
    Many languages are spoken, or historically have been spoken, in Zimbabwe. Since the adoption of its 2013 Constitution, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, namely Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, and Xhosa.

    What are some Zimbabwe traditions?


    • Zimbabwe Tradition uses the mbira to govern the weather in times such as droughts and floods. It also chases away harmful spirits and cures sickness.
    • Mbira (mbira.org)
    • Modern day Ndebele village homestead.
    • Ndebele beads.
    • Neck beads.

    What was Great Zimbabwe’s religion?

    By 1200 C.E., the city had grown strong, and was well known as an important religious and trading center. Some believe that religion triggered the city’s rise to power, and that the tall tower was used for worship. The people of Great Zimbabwe most likely worshipped Mwari, the supreme god in the Shona religion.

    What does the name Zimbabwe mean?

    Many sources hold that “Zimbabwe” derives from dzimba-dza-mabwe, translated from the Karanga dialect of Shona as “houses of stones” (dzimba = plural of imba, “house”; mabwe = plural of bwe, “stone”). Zimbabwe was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia (1898), Rhodesia (1965), and Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1979).

    Why did the Shona leave Great Zimbabwe?

    Why is Great Zimbabwe so important?

    Great Zimbabwe is a clear testimony to the cultural richness of southern Africa’s past and is celebrated as an African contribution to world civilization. This ancient Zimbabwe site is of tremendous cultural, political, and scientific significance.

    What was discovered in Great Zimbabwe?

    Great Zimbabwe was part of a large and wealthy global trading network. Archaeologists have found pottery from China and Persia , as well as Arab coins in the ruins there. The elite of the Zimbabwe Empire controlled trade up and down the east African coast.

    Was Great Zimbabwe was powerful kingdom of the Zulu peoples?

    Great Zimbabwe was a powerful kingdom of the Zulu peoples. Great Zimbabwe was a powerful kingdom of the Zulu peoples. This statement is FALSE. Great Zimbabwe was built by ancestors of the Shona people.

    What did people do in Great Zimbabwe?

    Ordinary houses at Great Zimbabwe were circular pole-and-clay houses about three meters in diameter. The people raised cattle and goats or sheep, and grew sorghum, finger millet, ground beans and cowpeas . Metalworking evidence at Great Zimbabwe includes both iron smelting and gold melting furnaces, both within the Hill Complex.