What are wow moments?

A “wow” moment occurs any time you exceed your customer’s expectations. It doesn’t have to be by a lot. It doesn’t have to be over-the-top. It just has to be better than expected.

What is wow moment for a customer service?

WOW moments are created when you compel your customers to feel “wowed” by providing an extraordinary customer experience. Going the extra mile for your customers when they least expect it creates a unique, special moment. WOW moments are remembered and cherished.

What are wow moments Eyfs?

What are wow moments EYFS? ‘Wow moments’ for EYFS are snapshots which help practitioners to form observations. Recording ‘wow’ moments (when a child does or says something to show they have achieved a level of understanding of a topic aim) helps practitioners to assess a child’s development and plan their next steps.

Why are wow moments important?

These “Moments of Wow” are valuable experiences that show how important human interaction can be to build long-lasting loyalty. And they have a real impact on the health of the business, too. The lessons of these moments can influence any business.

What can we do to wow you?

Learn ways to wow your customers by going above and beyond their expectations.

  1. Do what you said you were going to do.
  2. Follow up when they least expect it.
  3. Give them more than they expected.
  4. Offer them something they didn’t know they needed.
  5. Express your gratitude.

How do you create a customer moment?

Therefore, to create a magic moment, you need to put the customer at ease. Smile, engage in small talk and listen to what they have to say. They’ll appreciate it. Always remember the Golden Rule of sales — the customer is always right.

What are the basic ways to get a wow’s to your customer?

How to wow your customers

  1. Stick to your word. When you promise something to a customer, make sure that you can keep your word.
  2. Give them more than they expect.
  3. Respond quickly.
  4. Make things easy.
  5. Get to know them.
  6. Empower your agents.
  7. Do regular check-ins for no reason.
  8. Express gratitude.

What is a wow moment observation?

The temptation as a practitioner new to observations is to start with “magic moments” or “Wow moments” type observations. These are very short snapshots of a significant moment or piece of child development. In this way, observation, assessment and planning becomes a cycle, with information constantly flowing.

What is a wow moment in school?

In a classroom, teachers strive to create AHA moments for students. An AHA moment is when the content is understood and learning happens, A wow moment is where someone makes a BIG impact with a small gesture. These moments although often small, can change someone’s day or even have a life-long impact.

How can we gain wow from customers?

What is full form of wow?


Acronym Definition
WOW World of Warcraft (game)
WOW World of Wonder
WOW Words of Wisdom
WOW With or Without (gaming)

What is a customer moment?

To clarify, a customer moment is just that, a moment. Harvard Business Review defines it as “the sum of all interactions a customer has with a company.” This end-to-end journey between a customer and a company should aim to meet or exceed customer expectations, and in turn, increase customer satisfaction and advocacy.