What cards negate monster effects?

All OCG/TCG “Negates the effects of Effect Monsters” cards

Japanese name Card type
Abyss-scale of the Kraken アビスケイル-クラーケン Spell Card Equip Spell Card
Abyss-sphere アビスフィアー Trap Card Continuous Trap Card
Abyss-squall アビスコール Trap Card Normal Trap Card
Advanced Dark アドバンスド・ダーク Spell Card Field Spell Card

Can you negate a continuous monster effect?

Since these effects don’t start a Chain, they do not interact with effects that negate activations. However, they can still be negated by other card effects that negate monster effects that don’t needing to respond to an activation, such as “Skill Drain”, “Effect Veiler”, “Junk Synchron”, etc.

Can you negate on summon effects?

Things to Remember Spell & Trap Cards that Summon, as well as Trigger/Flip/Ignition/Quick Effects that Summon, cannot be negated by cards that “negate the Summon”. Because they aren’t Summons – they’re effects.

Does destroying a monster negate effect?

Negating the activation of a card or effect and destroying that card are not the same thing; as such, even if a card is Chained to the activation of a card or effect to destroy that card, its effect may still resolve, with or without effect.

Can Kaiju summon be negated?

Since this occurs during the resolution of Monster Reborn’s Chain Link, cards and effects cannot be activated, so the Summon cannot be negated. This concept applies to literally everything which activates and Special Summons during its resolution; Instant Fusion, Gizmek Kaku, One for One, you name it.

Does MST negate Mirror Force?

“Mystical Space Typhoon” destroys “Royal Decree”, “Mirror Force” than [sic] resolves and destroys all Attack Position monsters the opponent controls. Since “Royal Decree” is no longer face-up when “Mirror Force” resolves, it will not negate the effect of “Mirror Force”.

Can you chain block Torrential Tribute?

You can chain “Bottomless Trap Hole” or “Torrential Tribute” to this effect.