What causes intermittent exotropia in adults?

Causes of exotropia Exotropia occurs when there’s an imbalance in eye muscles or when there’s a signaling issue between the brain and eye. Sometimes a health condition, like cataracts or stroke, can cause this to occur. The condition may also be inherited.

How do you fix exotropia in adults?

Treatment for exotropia depends on how often you have symptoms and on how severe they are. Prism in your glasses may be prescribed to help with double vision. Eye muscle surgery is also an option, especially if your exotropia is Page 2 Kellogg Eye Center Exotropia 2 constant or is causing double vision.

What is residual exotropia?

Residual exotropia was defined as exodeviation of more than 10 PD at 4-6wk after surgery. Consecutive esotropia was defined as esodeviation more than 10 PD. Factors that might influence residual exotropia were analyzed.

Can you cure intermittent exotropia?

How is exotropia treated? Non-surgical treatment may include glasses and in some instances, patching therapy may be recommended. If the eyes are misaligned more often than they are straight, surgery on the eye muscles may be recommended in order to realign the eyes.

What is alternating esotropia?

DEFINITION: A sensorimotor anomaly of the binocular vision system in which the foveal line of sight of either eye occasionally deviates inward and fails to intersect the object of fixation.

Is exotropia a neurological disorder?

Conclusion: Intermittent exotropia increasing with near fixation is associated with neurological disease in children.

How do you fix alternating strabismus?

Treatment options include:

  1. Glasses or contact lenses: This is often the first line of treatment.
  2. Vision therapy: Eye exercises may help to strengthen the eye function and the muscles around the eye to improve vision.
  3. Botox injections: Botox may be injected to realign the eyes of some people who have mild esotropia.

What causes Hypertropia in adults?

Hypertropia is caused when the muscles in both eyes are not balanced and working together. In adults the common causes are nerve palsies, stroke, thyroid disease, trauma, and neurological disorders.

Can strabismus reoccur after surgery?

A: In some cases, the eyes will once again drift apart years after surgery. The surgery doesn’t correct the original defect that caused the brain to let the eyes wander in the first place, so the problem might come back years later. But it doesn’t always come back.

Can esotropia return after surgery?

According to previous reports, the incidence of undercorrection and recurrence after the correction of esotropia varied from 20% to 40%[1]–[3] and the incidence of undercorrection and recurrence after the correction of exotropia varied from 22% to 59%[4]–[6].

Is intermittent exotropia serious?

But, most often, childhood intermittent exotropia has no known cause so, if outward wandering of the eyes is suspected and persistent, your child should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist or orthoptist.

What causes intermittent distance exotropia?

What is the cause of Intermittent Distance Exotropia? Intermittent distance exotropia is the result of an imbalance of the eye muscles. Everyone has a level of control over their eyes, however if the imbalance is too great it can become too difficult to keep the eyes under control, particularly in the distance.

What does alternating exotropia mean in medical terms?

Alternating Exotropia As the name suggests, people with an alternating exotropia have an outward eye turn that alternates both eyes. The condition can be constant or intermittent and vary in degree of severity. Intermittent exotropia is the most frequent type of strabismus, impacting as much as 1% of the U.S. population.

What do you need to know about exotropia in adults?

Exotropia in Adults. This material will help you understand exotropia and how to manage it. What is exotropia? Exotropia is a type of eye misalignment (known as strabismus) that occurs when one or both of the eyes turn outward.

What are the surgical techniques for intermittent exotropia?

Another surgical technique that has been described is the “augmented bilateral lateral rectus recession.” 28 This is an updated surgical table that proposes recessing an additional 1.5 – 2.5 mm per eye to Park’s formula based on the angle of the deviation.

Why does intermittent exotropia cause a high AC / a ratio?

Several authors suggest that patients with intermittent exotropia have a high AC/A ratio. In a patient with uncorrected myopia, less than normal accommodative effort is required during near vision thus causing decreased accommodative convergence.