What conditions does Craniosacral therapy treat?

What conditions may craniosacral therapy (CST) help?

  • Chronic pain.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Migraine headache.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome.
  • Fascial adhesions.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Neurodegenerative diseases.

Is Craniosacral therapy covered by insurance?

Craniosacral therapy may or may not be covered under insurance. Providers typically need to be licensed in a particular specialty (for example, massage therapy, chiropractic, or physical therapy) in order for insurance overage.

What is the difference between cranial osteopathy and Craniosacral therapy?

Even today, the focus of cranial osteopathy remains on manipulating the sutures of the skull. With CranioSacral Therapy, the bones of the skull are involved in that they serve as “handles” for the practitioner to use to access and affect the membrane system that attaches to those bones.

How long does Craniosacral therapy last?

Craniosacral therapy sessions are done while you are fully clothed and the sessions range from 45 minutes to more than an hour. Each individual will respond differently to CST and some conditions may require more CST than others.

How often should you have Craniosacral therapy?

How often should you have Craniosacral Therapy? Generally most people come once per week. Some adults and small Children can be seen two or even three times per week.

Does Craniosacral therapy hurt?

The most common side effect of cranial sacral therapy with a licensed practitioner is mild discomfort following the treatment. This is often temporary and will fade within 24 hours. There are certain individuals who shouldn’t use CST.

How often should I have Craniosacral therapy?

The number of sessions needed varies widely – from just one up to three or more a week over the course of several weeks.