What countries did the Soviet Union have control over?

In the decades after it was established, the Russian-dominated Soviet Union grew into one of the world’s most powerful and influential states and eventually encompassed 15 republics–Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia.

What countries were SSRS?

For the geography and history of the former Soviet Socialist republics, see the articles Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine.

What was the population of the former Soviet Union?

Former USSR Countries

Country 2021 Population
Russia 145,912,025
Ukraine 43,466,819
Uzbekistan 33,935,763
Kazakhstan 18,994,962

How many countries did the former Soviet Union break into?

The former superpower was replaced by 15 independent countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Why did the Soviets want to control Eastern Europe?

Stalin’s main motive for the creation of Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe was the need for security. When the war ended, the Soviet Union was the only Communist country in the world and Stalin believed that Western countries were bent on destroying it.

Is the largest city in the former Soviet Union?

Petersburg, Moscow is still the only post-Soviet city where development is fully on par with the West….Русские версии первой и второй карты.

City Chelyabinsk
1989 pop. 1,107,000
2016 pop. 1,183,000
Soviet Republic Russian SFSR
Present-day name Chelyabinsk

Which countries remained under Soviet control after ww2?

At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union occupied Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany.

What happened to Soviets after ww2?

After World War II, the Soviet Union extended its control into Eastern Europe. It took over the governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia. Only Greece and occupied Austria remained free.

When did USSR end?

December 26, 1991
Soviet Union/Dates dissolved

How did the population of the former Soviet republics change?

The most striking feature is the contrast between the loss of population in the former republics in Eastern Europe and the increase in population of Azerbaijan and the five “stans”. At the same time the population of Russia itself has declined only slightly. The map does not include the names of the countries.

What are the names of the former Soviet Union countries?

Former Soviet Union (USSR) Countries 1 Russian Federation. With 6.6 million square miles, the Russian Federation is 2 Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in 3 Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign state covering an area of 233,000 square miles. 4 Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan, formerly known as Turkmenia,

How many post Soviet states are there in the world?

The 15 post-Soviet states are typically divided into the following five groupings. Each of these regions has its own common set of traits, owing not only to geographic and cultural factors but also to that region’s history in relation to Russia.

Who are the successor states of the Soviet Union?

Russia is the primary de facto internationally recognized successor state to the Soviet Union after the Cold War; while Ukraine has, by law, proclaimed that it is a state-successor of both the Ukrainian SSR and the Soviet Union which remained under dispute over formerly Soviet-owned properties.